
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:12:58
That is a box 改为单数或则复数 火星和地球哪个更热 描写蒙娜丽莎的作文是怎样的?急 一句VOA句子的理解How would it look if -- as expected -- he was elected president of the convention?if在这里的意思或作用是什么?句子有if和无if会产生何种微妙差异?我觉得这里的意思是“是否”,翻译为:他是 介绍蒙娜丽莎的作文 我是小导游 作文 少点 急 海洋生物有哪些?要漂亮的. Punishment is more effective than education in achieving road safety. 不知道effective c++ 与 more effective c++两者有什么关系.more effective c++是effective c++的升级版?还是对编程不同方面的介绍?希望读过两本书的朋友给些建议相买本C++进阶方面的书,不知买哪本 To live in a world you is more painful than any punishment.Do you know that no one can replace you in my heart! what the most impotant things is that 这句话好像有问题 是不是 is 做谓语 主语 根本用不着what直接去掉 What is the most c______ things that annoy your classmates? What attracts me most is that +一句句子 这样写对吗 求配大海的唯美文字,要短一点的. what is your favorite job 请用英文回答(我看一下句式,顺便看一下各位的梦想) 六年级的牛津小学英语4bunit3 what's your job的教案不好意思弄错了 希望大家给点正确回复啊 what is your ideal job in the future?用英语回答(4~5句话,) 填介词!英语大神你在哪!二.填入适当的介词,共10题,每题2分.1.Now the government is faced __ ______ the problem of helping creating jobs for the unemployed.2.As the economy shows no signs of picking up,many companies have cut back 蒙娜丽莎导游词啊答的好有奖励 蒙娜丽莎的介绍 "farmer is more important than doctor"how to debate?I waiting for your answer.thank you... I want you to do everything you can to find ——who is responsible for the accident.2.An investigation was under way to find ——how the accident happened.3.Call your local museum to find—— what musical events are planned.4.He fixed his eyes What is the most c_______ thing that annoys your classmates 对一般将来时中的in+一段时间,划线提问用when还是用how soon?We will finish our lesson in an hour?对in an hour提问,是when还是how soon will you finish your lesson?查了一些资料发现两种都有出现,是不是两种都可 He will ring you tonight.就tonight 划线提问,用how soon 还是when?为什么? what is an ideal job英文作文 help with中文意思11 初一英语介词填空, 英语翻译请问如何翻译 “落后”的英文怎么说说的是环境丫 楼房丫 经济丫落后 落后英文怎么讲! in加一段时间 用how long还是how soon提问