
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:00:20
什么药能长shuai? shuai是英文单词吗 scope和telescope中c的发音一样吗?是[k]还是[g]啊? 元旦征文不要复制, )12.—Will somebody go and get Dr.White?Will somebody go and get Dr.White?—He’s already been _______.A.asked for B.sent for C.called for D.looked for13._______ he was old and sick did the enemy set him free.A.Until B.Not until C.Unless D.When( ) 英语21.-Will somebody go and get Dr White?21.-Will somebody go and get Dr White?-He’s already been _______.a.asked for b.sent for c.called for d.looked for22.The number was brought in ,with his hands _______ behind his back.a.being tied b.having Will somebody go and get Dr White?He's already bWill somebody go and get Dr White?He's already been _____.A.asked for B.sent forC.called forD.looked for make a balance enquiry 《水浒》《西游记》《骆驼祥子》选其中一个写我最不喜欢的人物及理由 作文 Y孩子的数学简直不入门该怎么办啊? 난 的中文意思 The students are listening to the ______(report). 海南话里.么头.那一个男生叫一个女生么头是什么意思呀。 鲁修买么及 海南话 村庄里的孩子都爱在这条河里游泳. 怎么 改缩句 人类到底要怎样才能穿越到元谋人时代,好想回去. 最早人类是元谋人接下来分别是什么?加上年代 元谋人时代 如题~ on the bank bank of china 中bank后面为什么要加of,求详解, 如何提高自己的交际能力? 想哭就大声的哭出来吧——英文意思 请把你的假期计划写下来吧. 填英文 再写出意思 好的给5分My Trip PlanI want to go to -------. It is---------there. I am going to go there with-------.We are going to go there by--------.I'm going to ---------------------------- 判断win是什么判断win在每个句子中是及物动词、不及物动词,还是名次,然后将 答案及理由写上1.Their team won the game.2.Our team had seven wins,two losses and one draw.3.Do you know who won the first place in the game y 他们都照自己的话做了.十年以后,他们又在小井旁边相遇了.三个人都成了强健有力的青年.清澈的泉水仍旧那样静静地流着.小井周围的树苗已经长成枝叶茂密的大树.小井周围有许多条小路,路 为什么及物动词limit 后可以接介词to 我们不能容忍用不健康的图书去毒害青少年.(缩句) DOME怎么样 seagaia ocean 哈哈直笑的近义词是什么 should we develop cars什么意思? 如何提高自己的交际能力