
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:06:00
I want to have a rest 有语法错误么意思是我想休息、语法有错误么?如果有那应该怎么说/谢谢 i'm s--- out.i want to have a rest.填空题 我想休息 I want to have a rest.中文里的修饰是做谓语的 但英语to have a rest是一个宾语.这句子对吗. 1084如果用四角号码来查可能是什么字?谢谢 ,肯能会很难查谢谢 了 四角号码查字很快,为什么现在很少用? 地球的旋转速度和形状是怎样的我对这个不懂 飞字如何查四角号码 英语翻译Don't ever bring it up to me again..please...I really don't like you and I won't. 二为什么地球在公转时在近地点和远地点的角速度和线速度都不同,且近地点的较大,请为我这个菜鸟解释一下... 关于地球转动的速度问题 一地球转动时每条纬线的线速度都不同,那么地球公转时课本上展示的线速度是哪条纬线的速度啊?!赤道吗?! 地球转动的速度 谁知道有关地球旋转速度的知识?1 招标名词解释政府采购中心关于招投标“公开招标”、“竞争性谈判”、“单一来源”、“询价性采购”等分别是什么意思? Would you like to go to Beijing with us?( )you want ( )go to beijing with us 填单词,让意思相近 物流中活化的名词解释 Do you want to go ( ) with me .括号里是 h开头的单词 .、 用所给单词的适当形式填空 11.—____ want to visit the Great Wall.Do you want to go with ____?用所给单词的适当形式填空11.—____ want to visit the Great Wall.Do you want to go with ____?—Yes,I do.(they/them)12.—Excuse ____, 根据首字母提示补全单词.I want to buy an MP4 for her.She can be h_____ with it . He is a teacher ____ a student.A.more than.B.no more than C.less than.D.no less than 添补反应耐糖现象 两个名词解释(你肯定用过)1,张飞炒豆芽,小菜一碟请问这句歇后语到底是张飞驰豆芽还是张飞炒豆芽啊?还有但凡歇后语都有因果意思,这句怎讲?2,得找便宜卖乖在何种情况下彩绘说这句话1 同学们都很喜欢他 翻译 ( ) all like playing games.A.We and them B.They and we C.We and they D.They and us I offered them something to eat._____they might be hungryA.thought B.to think C.thinking Dto be thinking选什么.在非谓语动词部分.急用 新概念3册55课For most of the earth's history they have been the only form of life on our planet.应该是过去完成时才对吧?因为是细菌作为the only form of life的这个状态已经不存在了啊,还有they是不是应该改为it呢 跪求首字母填空:Water is the life of our earth.Water is the life of our earth.It’s n_____for us.It makes up the l_____ part of the human body.It covers most parts of the earth.It’s in lakes,rivers,seas and oceans.We can swim in lakes or riv 推荐十五首air supply的歌曲要很好听!10首 Fall in love with a young child翻译成中文是什么意思? Tere are many families with young children( )here是要填living 还是live 这是文章完形填空里的说明理由 同学们都在上课用英语怎样翻译 Just accept them for who they are.句中的for怎么解释? Just accept them for who they are.求详解.这是英语书中的一句话,不大弄得懂它的结构.老师说for who they are 是宾语,也许我听错了.也可能是who they are作宾语.劳烦解释一下句子成分,顺带说明为什么作宾