
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:49:14
韩国人的姓氏“朴”读什么?应该是读“PIAO”吧?另外“朴树”是读“PU”吧?国内没有读“PIAO”的吧? 朴姓氏怎么读 The impression is based on what you look like in other people’s eyes.是不是要改成 what do you look like Young people like listening to the same music and they also have the same"look"in America.如何翻译 怎么翻译look people in the eyes. mary usually go shopping with her mum划线提问,划在usually上 Most people think it is polite to look each other directly in the eye when having a c___.The weather and sports news are popular s____ to start small talk with someone. Mary (usually) (goes shopping) (by) (her father's) car,哪里有错? She ofen gose shopping with her mother.【对gose shopping 提问】 小星星亮晶晶点点像你的眼睛是谁唱的 有一个自我是在看书中看到的 、查字典什么的都没有哪个字 这个字是上面一个“此”下面一个“贝”谢谢大家 有一个字,是上下结构的,上面是一个“山”字去掉中间一竖,下面是一个“贝”字,是大连的姓 问"台"字的上半个+"贝",上下结构,是个姓,这个字怎么念? man ,is,the,uncle,black,in,tom连词成句 手被刀切破了如何处理伤口很深,有什么小窍门可以治愈吗?(前提:不去医院!) 为什么手被玻璃割破比被刀割破更疼? ( )小星星( )对我眨眼睛 小星星为什么会眨眼睛 英文好的帮帮我,雅兰迪这个词用英文怎么拼,要语法和书写发法都符合英文要求的.汉语拼音就算了 They spend too much time doing their homework.改为同义句 It __ __too much time __ __their homework (语法)日期前面,英语用什么词语用at,on,还是in?最好帮我举出三两个例子,谢谢!(我问的是“日期”前用什么,比如:JUL 07,2008) Spend much time ▁▁▁▁▁doing my homework .用in 还是on Much time ___(spend) doing his homework last night 英语翻译12345678 说爱我 英语怎么说 Mary wants to go to the zoo with her friends(改同义句)Mary wants to go to the zoo with her friends改同义句是Mary would like to go to the zoo with her friends为什么like不加S我个人觉得是Mary would likes to go to the zoo with her f 帮忙看一下,这句话有没有语法、标点符号,以及用词错误I advocated a new diet revolution - I encouraged Chinese to eat fruit before regular meals, maintain their intake of cereals, eat more vegetables and reduce their consumption o 修改下列一段文字.(提示:字、词、句、标点符号共七处错误)在老师和同学们的教育帮助下,刘强端正了学习目的,能按时完成作业,错别字也大大进步了.他还积极参加文愉活动,在全校师生 Mum asks Tom and me to help her.()wants()to go shopping with her.(人称代词) 下面这段文字在用词、语法和标点方面都存在问题,请找出其中的三处,先写出句子的序号,然后再更改.1在2008北京奥运会上,中国虽然取得了金牌总数第一、奖牌总数第二的历史最好成绩,2但有 Mary wants to go to the zoo with her feiends.(同义句转换)Mary___ ___ to go to the zoo with... I would go to the Great wall with the Mary.改为一般疑问句 ( )( )go to the Great wall with Mary?Although he is very rich ,he still lives a simple life.用but改为同义句He is very rich ( )he still ( )a simple life.