
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:36:26
“薄”字有两种读音bao bo.薄雾该读哪一种哪一种,该怎样区分?怎样向学生说明?新手,问题提的匆忙.表达不合理,多多原谅哦. 终日舂薄暮的“薄”读音是bo还是bao? These books help us ____(learn) more about animals The books help us learn more about the history.同义句转换_ _ _of the books,we learn more zbout the history i can learn a lot when i help others,i also love to read books and learn more about the world CCTV-10 often plays ______ around the world.It can help us learn more about notCCTV-10 often plays ______ around the world.It can help us learn more about not only nature but also different cultures and customs.[ ]A.new something B.something new C.an 怎样才能什么都不怕 what good eating habits do you 英语:根据首字母填词 Do you have good e( ) habits?如果我想写(锻炼)的好习惯是直接写exercise 还是写exercising呢? 细胞膜和DNA共有的元素有( )1.C、H、O2.C、H、O、N3.C、H、O、P4.C、H、O、N、P Life sucks ass but we still always gonna enjoy it. it sucks but you will love is. The little boy _ (推)the door open slowly and came in quietly 单句改错 Do you think she have a healthy lifestyle. Do you think she a healthy lifestyle?空处用have还是用has? 1.Do you think she have a healthy lifestyle?是think have healthy还是lifestyle2.He wants flying the kite with his brother.哪错了?是He flying kite 还是 with 关键是怎么改 He said [ ] a that I am a teacher b I was a teacher c that he is a teacherd he was a teacher It sucks,but you will love it. the people in the hotel were mainly foreign tourists 请问main是副词啊?难道是修饰外国游客.副词修饰名词吗? "I am a teacher"Jack said变间接引用He said he was a teacher 为什么不是He said that he was a teacher 谁能给个答案 one of the best ways for people to keep fit is to_healthy eating habits A grow B develop C increase D raise其他几个答案也为发展 其他3个答案侧重什么? “I am a teacher,” Jack said.→He said _________. Good eating habits helps you to be healthy这句话是否有语法毛病 One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to develop healthy eating One way for people to keep fit is to___healthy eating habits A.grow B.from C.increase D.raise If you like sightseeing,you will love it!1.这个句子的时态有什么特点?2.你也尝试造一个这样的句子. 求正解!HIV的RNA逆转录后DNA要复制吗?RT HIV除能进行逆转录外 能否进行RNA自我复制? RNA逆转录成DNA,那DNA会自我复制么?DNA又转录出的mRNA与原RNA一样么?有什么不同? RNA逆转录形成DNA后,还进行DNA复制吗? people eat them in china的意思 many people ,for instance ,learn a rhyme to help them remenber,for instance的位置是灵活的吗?他和for example是否能互换使用