
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:12:17
求翻译 effective coachs are usually those who get satisfaction from the success of others and who give time to the coaching role.最好还能解释一下句子结构, Lisa's,her,interesting,as,book,of,about,a,an,the,history,China,parents,birthday,give,gift I have an interesting book (on) chinese history括号中为什么用on 在某人去某地的路上 翻译 乐理题写出下列各音的等音,C 升F 降A 降B are those cow翻译成汉语怎么说 He gives me a book.变为被动语态 两种 成长空间是什么? 给我成长的空间,我要让他到明天 是什么歌? 日记成长经历中最什么的一件事 作文 关于成长的日记三则 It ________(use) to cut things more than two thousand years ago 何为生?何又为死?生命的真正意义究竟是什么? certainly truly really indeed 的区别 这个行动计划部署得十分( ) 严密、精密、周密选哪个 亚马孙河、尼罗河、密西西比河、墨累河分别是哪几个洲的? 英语翻译23.Teaching involves more than leadership.Some of the teacher's time and effort is directed toward instruction,some toward evaluation.But it is the teacher as a group leader who creates an efficient organizational structure and good worki ____we went to the beach and at other times we sunbathednear the house.A.somtime B.some time C.some times D.sometimes 这里at other times是什么意思?请分析一下四个选项. 变被动语态,I heard Jane playing the piano in her room.(*^o^*)答案写的是Jane was heard playing the piano in her room.可老师讲的是:一些使役动词和感官动词用不定式作宾补,这时不定式要省略to,但变被动语态时 Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes.请翻译! 英语翻译他对美国的市场进行了研究,以寻求投资的可能性(potential) ask about和ask for 有区别吗 第三题第二空我填的对吗?答案是which is without doubt. without anyclothes just wear this which was prepared by Which number stands for nothing without its tail. I want you to do the dishes.(用would you mind改写) 英语翻译1.他追上了一个又一个对手,在最后一刻获得了胜利.(opponent对手,instant)2.Einstenin的杰出成就奠定了他“现代物理学之父”的地位.( be asked the man was asked to make a seech at the meeting怎么讲 高一英语be asked to=____ ______ ______be chosen for=be ____ forin the charge of=____ _____ 今天考完的雅思谁记得听力和阅读答案?记得多少算多少A类 4月16号我就考雅思了!但我现在做阅读的能力感觉太差了.3篇最长花了2个半小时.我上过雅思培训课.老师的方法是先看下题,然后记关键词,而且老师把各种题型在文章中出现的顺序都给我们说 拉丁美洲多使用什么语言?