
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:51:51
为什么声比光慢 声音速度变慢一青窈陪哭歌声变为原来的80%就成了平井坚的声音.请问此处声音变慢指的是变什么?音调(频率)?怎么音色都变了呢? 说说这词语的反义词.近义词反义词;失之交臂-----不求甚解-----当务之急-----自暴自弃-----不攻自破-----近义词冰天雪地-----痛不欲生-----铺天盖地-----妙趣横生-----众志成城-----眉开眼笑-----写出 Do you like to see films?What film has impressed you most?Please say something about it说大概两分钟左右哈 可以说《泰坦尼克号》等等电影呵呵 因为我看好久啦 里面好多东西都不记得了 现在老师又急需要 口 _____ you for your answers i only like watching sport games () TV OK()for your answers(填入恰当的词)急! 同义句转换1,i'm sure something terrible happened to herSomething terrible ____ _____ happended to her2it seemed that he didn't hear my wordsHe didn't____ _____hear my words3 he runs fastest in his schoolno one___ ____ ___ him in his school he is unhappy.he is thinking of__ A.something terrible B.terrible something 苏轼的南方多没人告诉了人们什么道理如题 what types of films do you like best中的两个S用得得当吗?有错吗 黄河具有什么精神在黄河颂里 . 英语翻译I can tell you with no ego this is my finest blade.If,on your journey,you should encounter God.God will be cut. What am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you?这是什么意思?大家帮我翻译一下.谢谢! No matter what happens,China always regards Taiwan---an important part of the country.填适当的词,使句子正确,通顺,合理,并说明为什么 Lily always doesn't do her homework不对吗? 大话骰子数学公式.? she makes small mistakes and that very often.此货有木有语法错误捏?that是指代前面她犯小错误这种情况,问题是that后面就可以直接very often而不用任何谓语动词么? 怎样玩骰子和玩大话骰 具有黄河精神的人 ,和对它们的评论.要实用的, 一句简单西语的意思,así es el 名词…… 请以“沙子”为话题写一片作文 急用! each time 时间状语所用的时态each time主从句 接什么时态都是一般现在?还是主将从现?还是都是过去?最好能举些例句 要正确的,一知半解的请慎言!Each time I see you ,I will remrmber the happy time we spent t 谁是新时期最有黄河精神的人,为他写一句话的评论 to be frank with you 帮我翻译一句话··to be frank with you ,we found her point of view unaccepable3Q 与to be frank相近意思的短语还有那些?谢谢啦!要高级一点的...什么to tell you the truth...就算啦! 英雄人物的成语 ,段落,故事…… 急,急,急! 孕晚期的注意事项, 英雄牺牲的片段描写 男孩还站在外面 英文remain I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.这个句子是定语从句还是状语从句.1 定从.先行词 at dusk 为时间,when 从句修饰作用.译为:我恰巧在那个窗子开着的黄昏上楼了.2 状从.when 从句修饰 “truth be it happened to be raining.还是it happened to rain.第一个是对的,第二个有吗?