
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:55:28
--Have you got any pears now,Peter?--Sorry,I have already eaten______. 一个帽子一面美国国旗一只大象一束花、猜一成语! 美国国旗是什么样的 元史古文翻译1视事十日,以史故,仍为治书 2后屡引年乞致仕,辞至再三,遂拜光禄大夫河南行省平章政事,仍以翰林学士奉旨一品禄终其身. 3 忄古 势杀人,甚于用刃,况因有所求而杀之,其情为尤重 英语翻译1:众皆披靡不敢前.2:由是深加器重,得预闻机密之事.3:非世臣有重望者,不足以镇之.4:始至,严饬左右,毋预公家事,且戒其椽属曰:“仆从有私嘱者,慎勿听.(后面不要)”5:脱脱 英语翻译This account has been suspended.Either the domain has been overused,or the reseller ran out of resources every year for over a century,the nobel prize___to distinguished people from around the world for their outstanding achievements.A has been awarded B is awarded C was awarded D had been awarded 解释下原因和翻译下,分析下句子,可以用has 英语翻译:爸爸出国至今有半年了(It has been)谢谢.要用括号内的词组造句的。 英语翻译这句话是完整的,关键在与make one's night应该是个词组,大概是比较偏口语的吧.希望英语达人帮忙,不要把我当小学生糊弄 Is there ___water in the bowl?a,any b,many c,few d,some 现在完成时has been里的been怎么翻译there has been a big earthquake 这个句子怎么翻译 been 又怎么翻译呢? 英语do you like it,dear怎么读 I Like英语60秒演讲.不要太难读.不要太长. 英语翻译Wick-like是什么意思 Wick-like reaction?thermoinhibition是什么意思 It Is What It Is 歌词 元史.韩镛传翻译 英语翻译 the reason is that i love you 是表语从句吗 Tom got a "C" in the English exam.I am even ____.I didn't pass it.A、good B、bad C、worse D、better I would like to缩写形式 Tom saw an inter esting talk show last night.对Tom划线提问 I watched a talk show last night.(对划线部分提问划线:a talk show)()()()TV programme()you watch last night? That is reason why I don't want to over the school live!是不是应该在reason前加the啊? I like my old phone .that is the real reason .合并句子The real reason _____ ______ I like my old phone What is a family? 是What a big family it is还是How a big family it is what is an ideal family? 居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧期君.谁写的?出自哪里?如题. 居庙堂之高则忧其民 处江湖之远则忧其君中之的意思 居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君 后半局 I saw an interesting tlak show last Sunday.变为否定句怎么说? They went somewhere interesting last month.改为一般疑问句We ate fried fish and garlic vegetables.改为否定句