
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:06:06
what's real?what's true?what's love?I have no idea to slove the prolbem. what's the love what's love 哪个正确啊.感觉这的love是名词啊.要the How many color do you know? HOW MANY COLORS DO YOU KNOW? DO you know how many gold mcdals we got 汉语意思及回答 急 急求2010福建卷作文 以是金子总会发光为主旨 谢谢! How much do you know about wild animals?How well do you konw wild animals?这两句怎么回答?是否可以用同样的句子来回答? 是金子在哪里都会发光的 作文800字作文 有关成长的英语演讲稿 3分钟的 英语演讲稿,和奥运有关的最好 别的也行!别太长 也别太短 是金子在哪里都会发光 材料作文一棵在深山里长了好多年的大树,被修剪了枝叶后移栽到城市新建的公园了.人们围着它议论着.一个说;‘没有这次移栽,它不会被人赏识的.要被人赏识就要改 急需英语演讲稿急需一个桑普拉斯的英文生平回顾,第一人称的,跪求! --Mr Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon-- Mr Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't you forget it!-- OK.I ____ .A.won'tB.don'tWhy?那为什么上面的人说"Don't you forget it!"可以这样的吗 please write down your plans _____ this year,and give it to me this afternoon 1.at 2.for 3.to4.with -Mr.Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't you forget it!-Ok,I___.A.won'tB.don'tC.willD.do为何选A怎么理解这种用法? I am sorry to have troubled you.回答用It dosen't matter 跪求“是金子总会发光”的议论文 世界十大奇观都叫什么名字?大神们帮帮忙 Please___him to go to school and___a___tomorrow. i am sorry ___________(trouble)you so much 为什么 I'm sorry,That wasn't of much help.____,And it was most helpful.A.Thanks anyway.B.It doesn't matter C.Of course not D.Sure it was请问为什么? Thank you so much and I am so sorry for the pleasant that I can not give you!这句话有没有问题 , Remeber me when,I am gone away,gone tar away into thesilentland.谁能知道这是什么意思啊? 是金子无论在哪总会发光作文 Please remind me of the appointment again tomorrow ___ I forget.Please remind me of the appointment again tomorrow _____ I forget.A.in the case B.in case C.in the case of D.in case of He said ,' please come hear again tomorrow .' _He asked me togo there again the next day.句中的ask.to .是否能替换成 tell .to...为什么?两者区别 英语写失物招领写一篇有关手机遗失的英语作文.要包括品牌,外观和颜色,手机对我的重要性和希望捡到的人将手机送还 谢 谁能告诉我如何用英语写失物招领写一个有关于一个红色钱包的失物招领,越长越好 失物招领用英语咋说 室内装修设计公司英语如何翻译, 他是做室内装修设计的.----英文翻译 请大侠把“安居室内装修设计”翻译成英文