
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:41:27
go on i schooi can't out nights 连词成句 go on i schooi can't out nights 连词成句 求各位了…… two days' 和two-day有什么区别a colorful TV set 为什么不对? ·However ,the great number of bicycles may also cause seriousproblens>翻译一下 英语达到什么水平可以出国经商,做贸易 一名大企业家想出国做生意,学美式英语好还是英式英语好?世界各国的生意都有可能做哦! “go out school nights”怎么改成否定句? ‘的’字的词语50个我马上就要,是“的”字的词语50个. 今晚就要!得道多助失道寡助一章的中心论点既然已经得到了论证,为什么还要写后面的内容? THE KINDLY ONES LIBRARY怎么样 LAS BENEVOLAS THE KINDLY ONES NARRATIVAS SPANISH EDITION RBA LIBROS怎么样 He is ___German,while.his wife is ___British.A.a,/ B.a,an C./,an D./,a 应该选哪个? He is ___german,while his girlfriend is __french Vacation is A_____ English while holiday is British English The german said he felt like ___(walk) the dog in the rain while his wife would ___(stay) indoors doing some reading 关于()不()的词语(三字的) 有一一首英文歌,女生唱的,其中一句是I wont move until you move I wont speak until you speak.这 1.With what should be done ____,he left the office and couldn't wait to see his girlfriend.A doing B having done C to be done D done 2.--How did you sort ____ the computer's problem without an expert finally?--Well,I got ___ somehow.A out; along B th 3个初二英语改写句子题 He left the post office with all the magezines he needed-----A:buying B:to buy C:bought D:to be bought选什么? With all the magazines I needed _______,I left the post office.A.buying B.to buy C.bought D.to be bought 请问为什么选c, 英语语法问题,He left his office in a hurry,with ____________________(灯亮着,门开着)请问一下横线处填"the light on and the door open "对,还是填“the light on and the door opening”对呢? The teacher gave a paper ___each ___the sudents. 腿疼,生病的英文 急 大腿疼痛是什么病?我的大腿疼痛,尤其是在晚上的时候疼的睡不着,听家人说是风湿骨痛,可现在大热天的我感觉不是,而且我的腿骨头里面好像是受伤了一样,我一直以来都没有做什么粗活,很搞 I went to see my daughter in the hospital.这个句子对吗?为什么? only可以做英文名字嘛?不知道这个单词适不适合当名字用? 求一首英文新歌的名字 you are the only one for me曲调明快,女歌手,听的出的有几个字,sunny...,money.,you are the only one for me求歌名 求经典英文歌曲reality的中英文歌词..希望是一句英文一句中文的哦,类似这样Met you by surprise I didn't realize无意中遇见你 完成对话 数字是要填的单词 A:Hey,Tom?B:yes?A:1 my keys on the table?B:NO,they 2,they are on the 3 A:Oh,4 my baseball on the table?B:NO,it 5.A:6 my baseball B:It's 7 the table A:8 is my pencil case?B:it's 9 your backpack.A:Where 请推荐一些适合英盲听的英文歌! 一首英文歌里面的一段 抱歉我是英盲 辛苦了死白噢 为拉副 亏籽 佛楼米 很抱歉..` reality的意思