
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 18:35:15
2013-2014学年度第一学期期末教学质量评估六年级英语试卷的答案 几道英语选择题``麻烦回答一下1.I'll hold your horse while you get( ).a.in b.on...c.back2.We will do nothing further until we( )you.a.hear from b.give back c.take out3.You're not going out to play until you've ( )all your food up.a.put b.e 麻烦回答一下1.is ( )a book?回答是No ( )is notA.this,this B.that,that C.it,this D.that,it2.What is this( )English?it is ( )egg.A.in/ B.to ,an C.in,an D.on,a3.What are those?( )apple.A,Those are B.these are C.They are4.How do you spell( )name? 人教版高中英语必修一二单词如题好的追加分 新课标改革人教版高中英语必修5第一二单元单词表希望大哥哥,大姐姐能帮这个忙, 东莞市2010-2011学年度第一学期教学质量自查八年级物理试卷及答案记住一定要按照我说的,先答先得啊! 数学:2010/2010又2011分之2010=? 求东莞市2010-2011高一第一学期期末试卷(A)卷答案 北师大出版社高中英语必修三单词 英语填空4 4个英语填空. HOW I wish he _____(be) here now.It's going to rain,you should_______(take) an umbrella with you.We can d_______(separate into parts)them into two parts.The number of NBA players from China is ________(增加)every day 1,Compared to the small lake in my hometown the sea is really e__ 2,Being late for appointments is usually considered impolite.so forming a p___ habit is very important.3,He was an o__ and lived with his uncle.for his parents died in a car accident s 星火英语语法全解初中版好吗? 星火英语初中版可以提升我的英语吗、我看书上的意思,我不是很理解,那我看了对我的语法有帮助吗,我现在是初2. 1.已知函数F(x)=x平方+x+二分之一,若定义域为[n,n+1],n为自然数.问F(x)在植域中有多少整数?2.已知F(x)为二次函数,且F(0)=0,F(x+1)=F(x)+x+1 求F(x)?3.已知F(x)=2x+a,g(x)=四分之一(x平方+3),若g[f(x)]=x平方+x+1 求a 已知函数f(x)的定义域是{x丨x≠0},对定义域内的任意的x1,x2都有f(x1x2)=f(x1)+f(x2)且x>1,f(x)>0.求证f(x)是偶函数 1.The ___ of his health is due to his strong will (improve)2.There is no longer on earth that is completely ____(universe)3.The general ____ his order to the officers by wireless last night (communication)4._____isn't everything in life ,you know (ap 4道英语填空.7.他们看到这个地区发生了巨大的变化感到格外吃惊.They are quite surprised __________________ in this area.8.为了解释得更清楚,我给他们看了一些图片._________,I showed them some pictures.9.他醒了 四道英语填空1.The young man _____(杀死) an old man last month.2.Could you tell us who the _____(write) of this book is?同义句转换1.How old were you when I first saw you?How old were you when I saw you _____ _____ _____ _____?2.The girl n 英语填空啊,4道哦 速度速度速度l know the l_____ .she is poilte and kind to orthers.L______ meat and more vegetables may make you keep fit.this time ,he did _______ (well)in the exam than last time .My best frirnd _______ (be) a fam 谁帮忙注册星火英语帐号官网无法注册 能帮我注册星火英语的帐号吗同上,大哥大姐.我注册星火的帐号老是说错误.哪位能帮我注册一个或着借我一个. 星火英语怎么注册?可以帮忙注册一个么?(在线等)我现在就是注册不上,用户名过不了. Who帮我注册个星火英语账号 星火英语网会员这样注册?现在有急事要一个号来下听力 却又无法注册号 那位有可不可以借一下!只要www.sparke.cn上的的号哦给号的再给50分! 英语填空4-10? 用配方求:(1) 2x^2-6x+1的最小值 ;(2) -3x^2+5x-1的最大值 各位觉得星火英语咋样,如下,做过的一定给个评价啊 星火英语四六级怎么样 星火英语好不好 高中英语必修一,