
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:05:16
英语口语对方说welcome,应该怎么接?是回谢谢还是初次见到您很高兴呢? 横看成岭侧成峰 横看 这个句子中的claim officials in Brussels怎么理解Chickens slaughtered in the United Sates,claim officials in Brussels,are not fit to grace European tables.这个句子的意思就是布鲁塞尔的官员说:在美国屠宰的鸡不适合用 横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同.赞美祖国那处大好河山?( ) Afghan government accuses 16 security firms of violations,求标题翻译, 如愿以偿 反义词 如愿以偿反义词 英语翻译l,meld khaki.uglydoze cite you.这句英语谁会翻译中文, 最后一个字是斯的名人或书籍,要三个字 请问OUTLET是什么意思?是什么人? outlet什么意思 outlet有“门店”的意思吗? People do not analyze every problem they meet . 孒怎么读,什么意思 孒这个字怎么读? "孒"这个字怎么打出来,怎么读 “亇”这个字是什么意思 实在不知道这是个什么字= = 写一篇50词左右的英语短文,快,要初一上学期水平.介绍一下如何在电脑上写作业.题目:How to do your homework on the computer outlet社么意思 我衣服上有outlet什么意思,这是什么牌子的 英语翻译on后面的句子该如何分析:what instruction set to implement?主谓宾还原是怎样的?追加一个讨论:这里的set我觉得是动词,set to 词组,而不是instruction set指令集,what instruction如果是那些 回答个问题what do you think the responsibility?what do you think the responsibility?是个饭店工作招聘问题中的一个 求助!英语口语对话!求英语帝帮助!求true beauty话题的口语对话,长度3分钟左右,谢谢!话题:Do you agree that true beauty comes from being intelligent and interesting, not from being physically perfect? The reasons. 1.Describe your college life.Is it different from your high school life and why?2.Have you encountered any difficulty in your college life?If yes,how did you solve the problem and adjust to college life?If no,what do you think you have got in your co get comfortable with 的汉语意思是什么? 例如 comfortable-uncomfortable 这样在前面加un的词组有哪些(带中文) 英语翻译莫利·林沃德在1988年主演的一部电影《For Keeps》中文翻译出来叫什么名字? stumbling on happyness怎么翻译? certainly的中文意思 certainly 什么意思? certainly over the years the cave wall had been shaped by 为什么用过去完成时