
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:51:41
下列对孔子“仁”的学说理解正确的是 〔1〕主张调节与和谐社会人际关系 〔2〕反对苛政和任意刑杀 (3) 维护西周制度,反对社会改良 (4) 矫正混乱的等级秩序 问﹕1,2,3,4 ,中哪个是正确的?错 连词成句 1.the does from sprout Where come?2.you morning are to What going this do?3.in seeds Plant the soil the. it is a good feeling for people为什么用a为什么要用a 而不是the或者不填 .It is good for people learn Chineae.找错 Playing vellayball is good for health for people.这个句子没错吧 how ahout the dishes ,dear?"the beef didn't taste very good.it________too long swim is good for people 这句话 那个单词错了 还是无错 the food __(taste) very good. talk about your class then write? Write about your music class or what do you think of music 是什么意思?外教老师给我们留了这个作业,写作文的话怎么写? Write sentences about your partner什么意思 what will happen if you break class rules?Write two sentences about your class rules after the model.如果你违反规则会发生什么?写你的班级规则两个句子.(英语) 请问拼音中的"F"是占了拼音谱的上两格还是全部三格?-----------┓ -------------┓ -----------┝ -------------┡ -----------┛ -------------┡ ----------- -------------┛ k在汉语拼音里占几格? 小写k占拼音格的第几行 They are studying hard than any other ______.A.students B.student Chinese students are generally used to studying very hard的英语原文是一篇完型填空的开头 Millions of young people are writing blongs.阅读理解 Millions of people are .Millions of people are readly dead in the southern part of the Earth,[[[but the north won't escape for long]]]括号里的怎么翻译? 英语火速,1.Millions of young people enjoy Mokey King.(被动语态)1.Millions of young people enjoy Mokey King.(被动语态)2.Can you tell me where I can exchange money?Can you tell me where ( ) ( )money?3.The fine art museum is both bea 英语音标/3/是占上面两格还是下面两格 now write about your partner 作文 骂人的话 越毒越好带脏字 口语一点 Write five sentences about your partner using frequency words.如何回答? 骂人的话 带脏字的 越毒越好 不要太长,一句一句的 我神州称华夏山川美可入画,黄河奔长江涌长城长珠峰耸.读了这两句话我们伟大的祖国又叫做()(). 骂人越毒越好带脏字 骂女人骂她能骂到哭的 要一句句的, 我神州,称华夏,山川美,可入画,黄河奔,长江涌,长城长,珠峰耸. .这两句话讲到的山川有 How hard the students are studying How I wish all of them___to college next year!A.will go B.go C.can go D.could go选什么?WHY 请指点一下这句话的意思? 我神州,称华夏,山川美,可入画.黄河奔,长江涌,长城长,珠峰耸.我神州,称华夏,山川美,可入画.黄河奔,长江涌,长城长,珠峰耸.我儿子的家庭作业里面有这样一题:1,读 All the students are working hard.(感叹句)_______________! Hello,everyone.I am very happy to introduce our apartment to you.