
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:52:01
简单英语改句子You mustn't feed the goldfish too much food .(保持原句意思)_______ _______ the goldfish too much food.Class 4 students visited the car factory last week.(保持原句意思)Class 4 students _____ a ______ to the car fac 三人行,必有我师焉.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之的100字的意思 简单的英语改句子Mrs.White told Tim that he mustn't throw paper on the ground.(改为简单句)Mrs.White told Tim _____ _____ throw paper on the ground.Mike is taller than any other stundent in his class.(保持句意不变)Mike is _____ 三人行必有我师焉择其善者而从之其不善者而改之.在这句格言中,你获得什么启示 The most suitable site for a radio transmitter is an isolated place far from cities.用best located 改.开头A radio transmitter____________________________________________________ 三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,则其不善者而改之. midnight 指几点左右? midnight是什么时间范围? midnight指几点钟? midnight和daytime分别是指几点到几点? you can do what in spring 连词成句 midnight午夜具体是什么时间? What do you do in spring?的意思谢谢 In Beijing what can you do in spring 背诵过新概念英语课文的谈谈心得体会吧,对学英语的受益大吗? profit 可数吗 为啥呢 a few profit 中,a few 修饰的是可数名词复数,为什么profit不加s 英语中的profit可数吗 简单的英语句子一个English is too important to be dropped nowadays 中的“to be dropped ”什么意思? Want sb to do sth/want to do sth CFA问题,E1=B0*ROE,这个式子在书上是公式,可是是怎么推导出来的啊?具有什么意义啊?为什么ROE乘以期初的book value能等于下一期的earning啊?百思不得其解. Leverage position / Margin trading 与三人行必有我师焉相同意义的成语或名言 三人行必有我师焉的名言 与三人行必有我师焉意思相似的名言有哪些?快!急!今晚就要! 《未选择的路》的英文原文译文见初一下册语文书第四课 求《未选择的路》中英对译.如题. 找错:Only if we maintain a Low-carbon Lifestyle can we make better cities and make a better life.[中式英语] make better cities 在英语本族语中很少使用,建议检查 英语翻译第一句好像是“黄色的树林里分出两条路,可惜我不能同时去涉足.” 请问We have only a short life to make there be enough clouds in you life to What's can yon see in the spring(Summer、fall、winter)?回答,有急