
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:42:39
what do you think will the teacher do(连词成句) “废话”用英语怎么说? what will you do for the long holiday 同义句转换------ will you ----the long holiday 一堆废话 英语怎么说 少说废话哦,英语怎么说 英语面试问题中If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?怎么回答? You’ve failed to do what you ——to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame youA.will expect B.will be expected C.expected D.were expected为什么选d 改病句 我从中也知道了高尔基许多童年的故事.改病句 我从中也知道了高尔基许多童年的故事. 英语翻译翻译成英语. 该病句:刘翔这个名字对中国人都很熟悉.这是属于哪类语病? 英语翻译在补一个 有些人不需要等待.+10 What do you think is the standard to judge whether a college student is successful or not?What should one do in order to be a success in university口语试题,要求对话形式. Whether you like or not.I will try my best to do what I What do you think is the standard to judge whether a college student is suc What do you imagine a university will be like in the future?话说 我是想要一篇作文 我没写清楚 爱迪生小的时候对科学感兴趣格式 endison took 空三格 science when he was young 爱迪生的小科学故事?短~~~一定要最短! 爱迪生小的时候对科学显示出浓厚的兴趣 She is very ( ) about the final exam.A.worry B.worries C.anxious D.worrying 用英语怎么说“我家有五口人”、“看电视”?不要废话,直接说怎么写. He is ___about the final exam.选择A worry B worried C worrying d worries Linda is not good at Chinese,but she passed the exam ( ) the help of her classmate.A.with B.under C.without PS:为什么不是C?(不会的别瞎扯啊)我觉得without也可以啊,Linda在没有同学帮助的情况下通过了考试……也 什么让你如此美丽.翻译成英语,要高级点的句型. when does Linda have her maths exam?she has( )onthe( )of( ) 英语翻译如题 What will Linda be like when she is 25? She_________________.a.likes to be a modelb.will have long hairc.will be a dancerd.will like singing “《鸟的天堂》的作者是现代著名作家巴金的作品”这句错在那里啊 著名作家巴金在《鸟的天堂》中感受到一点儿留恋,他是这样赞叹的“_______________________________" 的作者是著名作家巴金写的(怎样修改病句?) 的作者是著名作家巴金写的.(这句话怎样修改病句?) if you don't work hard ,you will not pass the exam 同义句 You don't study hard.You will not pass the exam合并为一句