
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:52:40
读了下面的这个故事,你受到了什么启发?齐奄家畜一猫,自奇之,号于人曰“虎猫”.客说之曰:“虎诚猛,不如龙之神也.请更名‘龙猫’.” 又客说之曰:“龙固神于虎也,龙升天须浮云,云其尚 这个故事给了我们什么启示?小蜗牛问妈妈:为什么我们从生下来,就要背负这个又硬又重的壳呢?妈妈说:因为我们的身体没有骨骼的支撑,只能爬,又爬不快.所以要这个壳的保护!小蜗牛:毛虫 英国绅士的特点?他们的一般性风格! The chair was beside the door.It was _______ it.a.near b.far from c.next to d.besides为什么不能选a. The chair is beside the door.The chair is_____the door.a.near b.next to c.besides 简要分析每一个 next to beside near 的区别 next door to与beside区别There's a bar next door to the station.在这里为什么不用beside i had left it on a chair beside the door.我有些不清楚这个句子的结构,a chair beside the doora chair that is beside the door,不是因这样写么?谁能指正一下,要将那几个词语看成一个部分,另外如果能举出一些简单 求给母校的赠言多点 关于给母校的赠言,一定要有创意 这个故事给你,有什么启发 这个故事给你的启示是什么?有两个朋友在沙漠中旅行,途中他们吵架了,一个还打了另外一个一记耳光.被打的人,一言不语,在沙子上写下:“今天我的朋友打了我一巴掌.”继续往前走,到了沃 I opened the door and went in.As soon as I went in I tried to back out.I backed up towards the door only to have it slammed shut. as soon as the door closed还是as soon as the door was closed?as soon as the door closed, two out of three ate the marshmallow. he went out without (l后面填什么 ) the door.单词拼写, 写一句话表达对母校(小学)的美好祝愿 马上就要离开小学了,写一句话表达对母校的美好祝愿 对母校的美好祝愿 这个故事给你以怎样的启示?薛谭向秦青学习唱歌,还没有学完秦青的技艺,就以为学尽了,于是就告辞回家.秦青没有劝阻他,在城外大道旁给他饯行,秦青打着节拍,高唱悲歌.歌声振动了林木,那声 英语翻译中翻英 凹. When I was reading,I heard a noise in the garden.怎么翻译?将句中的when换成while句意有什么变化?我一直分不清when和while的用法.印象中when后面加的都是v.2,为什么这一句中when后面跟的是过去进行时?英语 when the teacher came in,we were reading.(用while改写句子) 根据例句组句子.come in;read the text Eg:When he came in,we were reading the text.the bell ring;watch TVknock at the door;think about the new yearsee him;walk in the streetcall me;do my homeworkget to school;clean the classroom it happened that i was reading upstairs when he came in的同义句 我的生日聚会在八月五日.翻译My birthday —— is on —— ——. 我的生日聚会在下午三点钟 my birthday party is _____ _____ _____ _____ my birthday party.你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗? 你想要来参加我的生日晚会吗 ____ you ____ ____ ____ yo my birthday party 小学写给母校的祝福 Is the boy( )the door?A.openning B.opening C.open Mrs Black told.Mrs Black told her son _ after drinking.A,not driveB,never to driveC,to never driveD,don't drive需要原因 There is a boy ( )at the door.A.stand B.standing C.stood D.is standing