
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:54:28
求助英译中,勿机译It’s important to be realisticabout what we expect from ourselves.Consider your goals.Is 30to 60 minutes on atreadmill a reasonable time frame at this point inyour life?Are you setting yourself up for failure or success whe 求英译中,不要机译的.Ittakes only a tiny magnetic field to see clear through a person’s head,a new study shows.A method called ultra-low field magneticresonance imaging (MRI) has captured its first,blurry shots of a human brain,revealing ac 帮忙英译中,不要机译But not so few people in the world are living with some disabilities and sadness.We must live with incomplete ourselves. 已知圆O:x^2+y^2=1,圆C:(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2=1,由两圆外一点P(a,b)引两条切线PA,PB,切点分别为A,B,满足|PA|=|PB|1.求实数a,b间满足的等量关系2.求切线长|PA|最小值 I promise you that I ------- a present next week A will give B shall give选B 但A哪里错了? the Palace Museum 是故宫的意思吗?不是the Fobbidon City 不要错过故宫的精彩展出. Don't ___ ____ ____ ____ at the Palace Museum. her voice sounds like a cold句型转换:her voice sounds_ _ _ _(四个空)a cold.速度速度速度! listen.her voice--------(sound) like a bird. My teacher's voice ____ sweet .We all like her songs.A.feels B.smells C.looks D.sounds His voice ( )a girl's.A,look like.B.sound like C.sounds like D.sounds Peter is swimming _______(cross)the river. Mary is swimming ___ the river.A、to cross B、crossing C、cross D、acrossMary is swimming ___ the river.A、to cross B、crossing C、cross D、across phat farm 的中文名字phat farm我在百度知道上看到有人回答是派龙.但是有人告诉我是番帮.到底是哪个对的啊. they said they would come to see the animals ( )亲自填单词 函数y=x-1/x平方+x+2的自变量x取值范围是?()虽然算出来了可是很想确定一下~A.x≠1 B.x≠-1 C.x≠±1 D.任意实数 函数y=-2(X的平方)中 自变量X的取值范围是—— 函数值y的取值范围是—— If we ____,we’ll come over to see you again.A.will have time B.have time C.are free D.Both Band C为什么?急死人了,帮帮忙请你们写清楚为什么? How much ( ) the tennis be动词用什么是单数还是复数啊?is or are tennis 是什么样的词啊? 英语中 特殊疑问句(现在进行时)的陈述句语序 我怎么觉得不是陈述句语序呢 就是疑问句语序呀如:do you know what is happening over there中what is happening over there是陈述句语序吗 我觉得不是呀 英语填词 1.Han Mei was on her way home.She saw an old woman at the bus s____2.Your schoolbag is much heavier than m____ .What's in it?3.Your new school bag looks very nice.How much did you p_____ for it?4.The teacher said."H____ in your exer if i were后面跟什么时态最好多一些例句 If I were you后动词用什么时态 Tom didn't run as fast as Jim?改为肯定句Tom ran _______ fast ________ Jim.空格中不能填as……as,那到底填什么? 改正错误:I’m listenning to the radio now.快 “If there were the day ...”后面虚拟时态怎么用?明天要交..英语作文题目 write a composition on one of the dreams you are longing for.Try to repeatedly use the sentence pattern “If there were the day ...” in your writing.there 社会公平的基础是什么?单选题. I won't hurt you I won't hurt you的中文意思 i won't hurt youwon't 是哪两个单词的缩写 I won't hurt you any more. Nancy doesn 't run fast .(肯定句