
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:07:27
Starting from today 是什么意识啊 I want to learn from Sandy.I'm ______(write) more starting from today.是填going to write还是writing The meeting,_ he was absent,is_ important. A.whicThe meeting,_ he was absent,is_ important.A.which,importantB.from which,of great importanceC.that, importantD.from which,of great important From now on I am absolutely serious about working starting today.首先,我写这句话别扭吗?再用别的顺序或者词组表达这个意思.要婉转一些的From now on I am absolutely serious about working .晕额 我的重点是,我想用婉 说说精卫想要填平大海的原因,写出与精卫填海有关的一个成语. Maybe he knows the answer.这句话.为什么用knows而不是用knew I‘m in Class One.The walls of our classroom are The windows in还是of our classroom Help me quick quick!1 He was 4 kilograms when he was born(改为同义句)()()()()was 4 kilograms ()()2 A horse is an useful animal (改错) 全句是we should bring new knowledge and promote new discovery.we should bring the benefits of new knowledge and discovery beyond the walls of the academy so that they can contribute to social progress. the China Academy of Government the history of academy of art the Music Academy of Tel 请给出准确的翻译, 卵细胞的寿命是多久?月经前几天生成卵细胞 卵细胞到底能存活几天 1.Britain has a ______________________ system of government有谁帮我填个空 nation's system of government 翻为" 政府制度" 那前面的"nation"不是多余的吗? The US system of government 填空题The US system of government is based on a set of __ and __,designed to prevent one person or branch of government from becoming too powerful. the United States system of government is based on a set of____ and____ ,designed to prevent one person or branch of government from becoming too powerful. The Australian federation has a ____system of government.A three-tierB four-tier两本书上两个答案,我不确定,但在其他书上又找不着,恳求一个确定的答案。 the walls and floor of the icebox are thick Why —— the walls of your room —— orange?Because orange can create a warm and comfortable feeling. A.is,colouring B.was,coloured C.are,colouring D.were,coloured十分钟求解 if the walls of a room are p( ) blue,you may feel r( ) in the room 你做的非常过分用英语怎么翻译.急. 7b英语仿照unit5 main task 里面的信写一篇短文差不多就行了,别写我们没学过的,好了之后,一定要在今晚,一定时间内,快的,要写给helen的 The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway About.书中有个hasne't.和 hasn't 有什么关系么? if you cut your finger,first you ,then you ,at last youif you fell down and hurt your leg ,first you ,then you ,at last you If you cut your finger and if some of the dust goes into the you must be carefully to stop your finger from (cut)要理由的哈为什么啦 我看不懂哈 有什么词法或句型(⊙_⊙)? There are a few ______ on your finger.H ow come?(cut) 为什么sugar要用lump来修饰,为什么不用cake来修饰呢,lump是“不定型的块状”啊? 谁能告诉我呢