
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:50:10
英语翻译汉意翻译 I found him in the office.A.sing B.sings C.was singing快,不要乱回答,乱回答祝愿你没好报 写出问句 ( ) NO,the hospital is near写出问句 ( ) NO,the hospital is near here.It’s next to the park. The bookstore is near the hospital.(就划线部分提问) (near the hospital划横线) Dick found him self walking in the direction of the post office.A.to B.by.C.along.D.in请问为什么选择D. 裹粉是淀粉吗,裹浆可否用其它代替 cats never become submissive___ 1 as dogs and horses 2 in the way that dogs and horses do3 as far as dogs and horses 4 as for dogs and horses选择哪一个及为什么 When I was y___ I had lots of them,dogs,cats,rabbits,birds and horses,too. they never become submissive like dogs and horses.请问,become我查的,如果是变成的意思,那么就为不及物动词,不及物动词后面就不能跟宾语, 但这里跟了 宾语submissive,这是什么原因 将石墨粉如何加工就能像石墨棒一样导电 石墨粉(石墨乳)如何涂在玻璃表面起到导电的效果?我想把石墨粉涂在玻璃表面,起到导电的效果:问1:用什么样的石墨粉粉(或石墨乳)?最好能提供石墨粉(石墨乳)的规格型号及成份.如果 石墨涂料用的是什么规格石墨粉? Far from eye,far from heart. I saw him ( ) in the garden yesterday.A worked B to work C working take two tablets all at once with a meal.这句话规定了吃药的时间了吗?是饭后还是饭前吃?还是别的什么? 血茶与红线 BLOOD TEA AND RED STRING怎么样 For adults,take one to two softgels,preferaby with a meal. 请问rabbit blood rabbit blood tea,我只知道是中国的一种茶叶,有哪位知道这是什么茶叶呢? 鱼属于变态发育吗? 茶叶茶叶茶叶 茶叶,茶叶,茶叶这是什么花茶?有什么功效?老妈要求写作文! 石墨粉种类有哪些?石墨粉都有什么种类,麻烦给简单介绍一下 一首歌 男生唱的 英文 高潮有beauty beauty beauty . 英语翻译1.Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friendsThen somebody bends Unexpectedly2.Just a little changeSmall to say the leastBoth a little scaredNeither one preparedBeauty and the Beast3.Ever just the sameEver a surpriseEver as beyond是什么意思? 有关于电线电阻率的表吗 马蹄粉可以做什么糕?我只要5种 不要复制 SD!我晕- - 我当然知道马蹄粉可以做马蹄糕啊 注意 以后的回答者 回答除了马蹄糕之外的1! All of us found ________ in English.a.he is interested b.him interestedAll of us found ________ in English.a.he is interested b.him interested c.he interesting d.him interesting可是a为什么不可以?1.当find 表示“发现(某事属实)” I'm____interested in the film.A.deepB.depthC.deeplyD.deepen The film interested my father a lot的同义句是什么 歌词里有sunlight的一首特别火的英文歌.一个女的唱的.什么sunlight moonligh的.应该是2012年的歌.比较high的那种.声音不嗲.很有力量的那种. 红烧狮子头里放的粉是淀粉吗