
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:19:22
男 左眼角 眼尾 有痣代表什么男生左眼角眼尾有痣代表什么呀?谁知道 男人右眼角上方的黑痣有什么说法 左眼角的痣代表什么?女孩.具体是左边眉毛内侧,就是靠近鼻梁位置. keep calm and love reading 为题的英语作文怎么写? ——I have never been to Janpan.——Me,___这个空应该填什么?我填了either,老师给我打错.但是我感觉Me,neither中间加逗号不是很怪的吗?我们书上是“Me neither”无逗号. What ___would happen if the director knew you felt that way?A.will you supposeB.you supposeC.do you supposeD.you would suppose我认为是D,WHY What a would happen if the director knew you felt that way?What a would happen if the director knew you felt that way?A.do you suppose B.you suppose C.will you suppose D.you would suppose请问哪个是主句哪个是从句 What ___ would happen if the director knew the fact?A、do you suppose B、 will C、you suppose D、 you would suppose为什么选A 请翻译句子 what would happen if...中would是什么意思是虚拟语气吗? There's a fine line between u n 400 meters for a guy when you d that line. I'm just sayin'.大神来翻 There____no love lost between the couple.A. expects to beB.had expected to be C.seems to be D.be选什么 问什么呢?请将详细些,谢谢! keep fighting Don't Cry keep Smile I was trying to efforts alive fighting keep后面可以加smilekeep后都可以加什麽词性的词keep后可以加adj,那n keep smile的正确形式是怎样的?是KEEP SMILE 还是KEEP SMILING? I have never been to me Suppose we can't get the necessary equipment,what should we do? do you know what i do?can you guess? 全球最大的金融中心是纽约还是伦敦? 纽约市全球最大的金融中心,美国最大的城市,一举一动都影响着世界经济的起伏.被人誉为世界之都.翻译成英文 101大楼、东方明珠、香港金融中心、广州塔哪个高?按从高到低顺序排序 伦敦和纽约成为国际金融中心的主要原因? He is going to school at he is going to school at once .he isgoing to school ___ ___ . 古埃及是怎么灭亡的,是被谁灭的? 古埃及文明为什么会灭亡? 古埃及从统一到灭亡,先后经历了多少年?A.约2500年 B.约4000年 C.约3500年 D.约3000年 古代埃及怎么灭亡? 表示方位的所有英文单词~ 求关于方向的英文单词如East之类的 有关方向英文单词 表示方向的有哪些词?(英语)