
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:10:39
银行成立一周年,想写几首诗或者词多多宜善,单独加分,感谢各位,范围围绕,一是一周年,二是丁香花,三是需要大气点.多谢,诗好继续加分.什么都行,现代文,文言文,唐诗,宋词,什么都中.多谢了各 “银行”一词,源于哪? 银行”一词的由来 还有那些甜点有像提拉米苏一样,有关于来源的故事好的不好的故事都可以,不是甜点是饮料也可以! 提拉米苏的故事有一点忧伤吗,还是其他的什么~ 英语翻译Platforms for servicing access doors shall preferably be located not more than 150 mm below the bottom of door.如上请翻译,谢绝机器,提出宝贵意见者得分 除了提拉米苏之外还有什么有故事照片特殊含义的意式糕点 各种糕点的寓意!例如提拉米苏寓意带我走吧 英语翻译A means of escape,in addition to the usual access,shall be provided from platforms,where the travel distance to an access exceeds 15 m.如上请翻译,谢绝机器,提出宝贵意见者得分 求英语缩略词急加上意思 谁有悲伤的英语小短句 英语的忧伤短句 提拉米苏是什么意思? 提拉米苏是什么意思?有什么含义吗? 提拉米苏的意义急用 真正有浪漫意义吗? 提拉米苏有几种含义? 时间是一头狮子的阅读答案 时间是一头狮子日前,我在儿子的读物上读到一则小故事,深感意味深长.文章说伯乐在集市上发现一匹千里马,便买回家训练它,可是无论他怎么训,这匹马都不能日行 “一头水牛与二十只狮子的生死搏斗”读后感 As air to man ,so is water to fish 中文意思,什么句式? 请告诉我《老水牛》的阅读答案 ari water is to fish,so air is to man.Ari water is to fish,so air is to man.这个句子是不是错了,so 应该放在air 的后面. 老水牛阅读答案阅读80篇上的 As water is to fish,so is air to man着是一句什么状语从句? In parts of India,people use their fingers and bread to pick up the food.如果翻译不就是:印度人用手指和面包拾起食物吗? forecasters say that by 2030 india is _to have more people than china Alikely Bpossible CsurelyDcertainly 请分别解释各选项 In parts of India,people use their f--- and bread to pick up the food. -Will you go to the museum tomorrow?-I will if I__on visitor.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have as water is to fish,so air is to man这句话so可以去掉吗?为什么? "Water is to fish ( )air is to man"A,what B,that 分析一下句子成分以及选择答案的原因,不要说是固定句型或者特殊句型! 你对英文诗词的理解?"As I gaze upon your heavenly face; I cannot help to remember that place; A place that seems so far away; But to me is only yesterday.An angelic face filled with beauty and grace; Forever radiating from that place; A place The People's Republic of China怎么读,最好有视屏! 怎样分清楚英文过去词和现在词?present tense和pass tense