
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:01:55
谁知道这个虫子的学名?小的时候经常被它叮,痛死人了,出现在苞谷叶上,我见过在椿芽树上的,比这个还大,我们通常叫它“八股钉”, I'd like to put things in order.主谓宾及宾补分别 是什么 put sth into an order read and put in order是什么意思 帮我辨别一下字的读音中"悦亲戚之情话,乐琴书以消忧."中的"乐"的读音是Yue还是Le? s、θ和ts 这三个发音我怎么区别啊请回答.一、s 、θ和ts 这三个发音我怎么区别啊,老是感觉发音一样?二、dz、e 和 z 这三个发音我怎么区别啊,老是感觉发音一样? He looked into the classroom,but he found it e_____.He looked into the classroom,but he found it e____.my cat likes to sleep on the w___. 类似冰清玉洁的成语风花雪月这样的我想弄个组合 ,好听一点 ,风霜雨雪那样的 Don't b____ the dog into your classroom.这应该填什么? 玉洁冰清 成语意思 像冰清玉洁形式的成语有?越多越好 she thinks the decision to try them offshore is a good one 求问try them offshore 还有这类的解释要怎么找,直接单词拼在一起好像不通 ,网上有没有现成的翻译~During their arraignment on murder and conspiracy charges in May 燃料供给对城市来说重要吗 she thought the air from the water would do them good.怎么翻译? 发达国家城市能源的主要动力是什么 She's good-looking.根据所给的回答写出问句What__________________________________ 九年级英语5单元单项选择sally is good looking and she enjoy looking at in the mirror.A.it B.her C .she D.herself What will happen to large intestine in case of food poisoning? The purpose of the article is telling students how to get a good study habits.这句话不对的地方在哪里? _____of the students come to school at 6:30A.NOB.ONEC.LittleD.SOME 甲乙两车分别从ab两地出发 相向而行 甲每小时100KM 乙每小时90KM当乙行全程的22分之9时甲里中点20KMA B 多长 1.Those old jeans look____.Could you give me another pair?A.terrible B.terribly C.good2.She wants to go to _____after she leaves high school,so she works very hard.A.a college B.college C.the college D.colleges3.---I don't know if his uncle ____.---I 千里冰封 万里雪飘这句话表达的意思是什么?这样写有什么好处? 千里冰封万里雪飘 吸附式干燥机使用时应该注意什么? 第二次世界大战时瑞士为什么没有被德国侵占 Do you ofter play ()volleyball after school Wendy?a:a.b:\.c:the. 千里冰封, “千里冰封,万里雪飘”的修辞手法是什么? he is -----student to come to school1.one2.first3.the first4.two 二十世纪五十年代中期,西德总理阿登纳强调:“如果你欧洲人不想在起了根本变化的世界里走走下坡路的话,欧洲的联合绝对是迫切需要的”基于这一点,欧洲国家在六十年代建立了A 凡尔赛 欧洲人是不是都会说英语?他们(法国,德国)学英语是不是比我们容易?