
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:23:02
英语翻译She showed a lack of ____ (judge)when she gave Mark the job. 如何获得select的option值全12333全12321全123123不好意思,没说明白.我既想获得value的值.也想获得之间的值,请问该怎么获得?在ASP中实现 如何获得select里的值112233我想获得11的值 请问使用document语句如何获得 Select an option 还有这两句Paste the activation code.Type the activation code Please select an option from the menu below:请翻译 132 I will conclude by saying The problem is___ we can improve our reading skills in such a short time.为什么填how? I have no idea how I can operate the new machine.I have no idea ___ ___ operate the new machine. I will conclude by saying Danny wonderd.Can he work out the problem in such a short time 美国congress,administration,federal goverment,state之间是什么关系也就是美国国会,administration,联邦政府,州政府之间是什么关系,特别是国会与联邦政府,联邦政府和执政党又有什么关系?做阅读题完全搞 Federal Highway Administration怎么读 federal district中文叫什么?美国的federal district是哪? Federal W/H 指的什么?如题,指的什么?后面简写吧,哪位大侠知道这个是什么么?FICA-SS是指Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax 中的Social Security,FICA-Med是指Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax中的Medicare.但是 翻译sense 英语翻译it makes sense to look for friends at interest classes. Did you(n )that Miss Green changed her hairstyle SENSE是什么意思啊,翻译一下拉 Here we shall find a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger.A.what B.how C.why D.which选择并为什么find 与a rabbit间有空格 out long away 中文 请问more on this later该怎么翻译 小溪流下山崖.改成拟人句荷叶又圆有绿色改成比喻句 有没有I myself这种用法.到底有没有这种用法?今天有道题,用到了 I myself.如果有, he gave the order that we ( )there on timeA.be B.are C.had been D.will be after the new president came to power,he promised to provide jobs for those who were out of work.求翻译, go on I think i'm the poorest people in the world,everyone is working hard for their future,but I .的汉 world future society是什么意思啊 Rare animals are good friend of ____ (we) We live near the Waikato的一般疑问句是什么 Jack live ()cnear our school) 改疑问句 否定句肯定回答 否定回答 括号提问