
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:51:19
#define RGB(red,green,blue)这个函数的意思?求解下边函数的意思,最好说的详细一点#define RGB( red,green,blue ) (unsigned int) ( ( (red)&0xff ) 在图像色彩RGB模式下,每一个颜色分量有256个级别,可以表示(填表达式)种不同的颜色如题 (65536-500)/256; (65536-500)*256;是什么意思 it is ofen____my father comes home at night A after ten o'clock when B ten o'clock whenit is ofen____my father comes home at nightA after ten o'clock when B ten o'clock when请问这道题选A还是选B如选A引导词是不是该用that表强调 快乐大本营爸爸去哪里的那一期,影子表演的背景音乐是什么 Does your father often go to bed at ten o'clock (作否定回答并用到never) _____ ,_____ . 你见过的世界上最大的影子是什么影子? 谁知道舞台上用影子演出的幕布是什么样的?就是那种背后是强光灯,能在布上显现影子的那种~ When will your father r______ from work every day?At about six o'clock. 有一种表演前面一个人在动 配合着后面的屏幕上的影子在动那叫什么表演? 改错 Would you like going shopping with me? Would you like going with us?错在那 Would you like going with me.错在哪儿?句子后是句号,不是问号 【紧急求助】如何看懂这句英文“Well,all she had was a flat tire,but for an old lady,that was bad...【紧急求助】如何看懂这句英文“Well,all she had was a flat tire,but for an old lady,that was bad enough.”具体包含了 英语问题 1:改错(1)she oughts to drive to work.……(1)she oughts to drive to work.(2)Don't afraid of that dog.lt's very kind.(3)You mut be carefully. You made a lot of mitakes.(4)The twins look the same but their hobbies are different from.(5) ( )4.When did your father ____ your mother?A.marry B.marry to C.marry with D.get married( )4.When did your father ____ your mother?A.marry B.marry to C.marry with D.get married( )5.____ she is over 40,____ she looks young.A.Although,but B When did your father__your mother? A.marry B.marry to C.marry with D.get married where have you been up to? when()your uncle() ?A did,mary B will,marry C did,got married D will get marry 求指点. what have you been up toup和to在句中是什么成分?什么词性? 单选 when ___your brother ____to his wife?A didi get married b was marry C was get marry The young lady coming over to us _____ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!a.would be b.must be c.could be d.can be What have you been doing lately?究竟是"你最近好吗?"的意思还是"你最近在干嘛"的意思呢?那么回答应该是怎样的?我也觉得应该是"最近在干嘛",可是书上写的是"最近好吗?" 好奇怪~ to my s____,the young lady is our new music teacher What have you been up too lately? what have you been doing lately?请帮忙分析下这问句中的been和doing做什么成分 the lady in the sitting room ()be over sixty,she looks so youngAcan'tBmustn'tCmustDmay 为什么在南北回归线以外没有太阳直射现象? 英文句子解析:I'm sorry,simba.I just can't tell you.在看狮子王第一部中我看见了这样一句话:I'm sorry,simba.I just can't tell you.译文:对不起,辛巴.我不能告诉你.请问:句中的"JUST" 起到了什么作用? What have you been up to lately?和 what are you up to lately?有什么区别就是时态上面不同么?怎么理解并区分开来? 为什么一年中太阳会直射南北回归线各一次,其间地区各两次? She was at a point in her life ( ) her work didn`t really excite her anymoreA.which B.that C.what D.where