
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:04:29
为什么“极大后验检验”的英文中aposteriori要写成“a posteriori”posteriori好像没有这个单词吧? 英语翻译1、A sharp step increase in nitrogen uptake in the relative pressure (P/P0) range of 0.3–0.5 for most of samples represents a typical mesoporous feature.2、The isomorphous substitution of nickel ions into the silica framework is also “打太极”英语怎么说?( )Tai Ji? 打太极拳和扭秧歌英语怎么说打太极拳是用do还是play啊?扭秧歌呢? 打太极用英语怎么说 打太极拳的英语 下棋的英语 读书的英语 他早上打太极拳是为了锻炼身体 翻译成英文 辩题:青春偶像弊大于利还是利大于弊.我们是弊大于利.这个应该怎么辩. My weekends is very happy 翻译 求助翻译:not the other way around.原句:Remember that in Western cultures, you usually take your friend out on their birthday for dinner or fun ?not the other way around. 英语翻译谁在用我账号!特么= = 英语翻译Free download:Summarized 35 International Best Practices and Standards.Hereby we would like to share our latest free overview of 35 International Best Practices and Standards; click here (no register needed).In this rapidly changing IT an 还我一片蓝天,作文,400字 求英文翻译 子弹击中了他的腿,他受伤了. 军事化管理对高中生利大于弊还是弊大于利?辩论啊.我是利大于弊这一方.求素材求一辩稿求攻辩小结,求事例, 英语翻译汉译英 我在考试 是写澳大利亚某教师代表团到你校考察英语学习情况.请你用英语写一篇发言稿.开始提供翻译内容,我们学校每天都有英语课.每两天会有一节英语自习,在白天,一般 The film is at Renmin Cinema.对划线部分Renmin Cinema提问 Jackie Chan is in the film.对Jackie Chan提 成长道路上与法同行(演讲稿,1000字)怎么写 成长道路上与法同行的演讲稿 用suit,is,blue,my,father's,the,单词组成一句话 翻译:Conquest of Ethiopia by Italy My father is a post officer . His job is very e__.请问填什么单词.My father is a post officer . His job is very e__.请问以e开头填什么单词. 翻译as the other way aroundConsequently , in the USA ,the death penalty is not as likely if the victim is black and the murder white as the other way around ? 这段话是什么意思?是around..没有错~~~谢谢以上回答..但还是不太明 英语翻译 翻译:控制工作,而不是让工作控制你 用the other way around 谢谢! OK,just a joke you interesting!share with me,if you get 中文意思是什么 为什么是Is your pen pal from Australia?不是Deso your pen pel from australia? she didn't know who Michcel jardan was这里的who是什么词性什么用法 青蛙是怎样长大的 要具体 谢谢 Delete the memories and realize their dreams什么意思 青蛙的发育有什么特点 求哈利波特7观后感~