
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:33:56
根据人物写出书名:过五关斩六将 过无关斩六将,根据人物写书名《》 用每分钟时间可抽1.1吨水的A型抽水机来抽水,半小时可以抽完,如果用B型抽水机,估计20-22分钟可以抽完.B型抽水机比A型抽水机每分钟多抽多少吨水.记住是 不等式组~不要是 XX≥XX≥XX 的形式~ 佛下雨念什么咒好 念什么佛咒能刀枪不入 英语翻译你穿绿色的很漂亮,看来绿色很适合你啊.(suit) She returned home from the office,only _ the door openand something stolen.选项:A:to find B:finding C:found.既然可以用to find,又为什么不可以用finding呢? 飞鸟集读后感500字 唉没办法英语就是差!——Shall I guide you through the streets to the railway station?——A.It's over there B.Of course you canC.You'd better think it carefully.D.It couldn't be better就是不敢确定,guide you through 看起来C、D好 《飞鸟集》2000字读后感?做事靠自己,比较愉快~~~50分给你吧,谢谢 飞鸟集 读后感 600字 求朝花夕拾内容简介十篇每篇不少于300字 英语翻译 飞鸟集有多少段 2简单的高一英语题1. That is____I had to take the risk of being washed away.A.why B.reason why2.The students in this key school are free to study __interests them.A.anything B.whatever请细说选择的原因 和为啥不选另一项的原 为什么我数学成绩不好 1--he came up with a good( )at the meeting.A.offer B.service C.point D.suggestion2--Mary( )a lot of Janpen by playing with the native boys and womans.A depend on B put on C turned up D picked up I begin to understand the meeting,which begins____.A.to be clear B.being clearI know you had mang ideas,but you need not trouble___them.A.remembering B.to remember求正解和详细思路 《金陵十二钗》中秦可卿的判词是什么意思?有什么言外之意? 一道简单的高一英语题目I was shopping at a department store aand had just got into the lift___ I noticed a woman standing to the side.A thenB whenC whileD as请问答案选哪一个?为什么? 句子转换Einstein got only a small salary for his great work._____Einstein got for his great work was______ _____ ______a small salary 为什么我的数学成绩不好呢?我上课也有很认真的学.一些基础的都还好 可是我对难题根本就不行,脑子转不过弯来,我觉得我是不是很笨啊 别人一下就可以像出来的我要想很久,怎么办啊 而且 孔子思想中的仁与礼应该怎样翻译成英文? 孔子思想中仁的含义是什么? 论孔子仁的思想 拼音音标怎么打? 怎么在把拼音的音标打出来? 拼音的音标怎样打上去啊? 刘姥姥进大观园的歇后语下一句是什么? 刘姥姥进大观园____歇后语 刘姥姥进大观园歇后语 歇后语:刘姥姥进大观园,后面是什么只知道是俗语,不知后面有没有总结性话语.