
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:30:51
students mustn't----(stand)on the chair in the classroom If you stand on the chair you will ___ see over the wall.A.able toB.canC.be able toD.be can 巴黎的战神广场用英语怎么翻译啊. 极光战神和极光战士的英文怎么读(翻译英文)急用谢谢了 WHAT IS THE MEAN OF TRANSFER PRICES?经济学的课程,全英文版本的书,完全看不懂 What is the meaning that Wi-Fi has 54Mb transfer rate?A.54*106 Bytes B.54*220 Bytes C.54*106 bit A book on the desk.改病句 Daniel sits on Amy's left.改为同义句 Daniel sits()()()()Amy. Linda sits on Sam's left (同义句) what are three important features of a modern economy 我们家孩子该上初中了, 想给他报个英语班, 不知道学什么样的好,想学新概念,但不知道有没有针对初中生 Pall sits on my left anf Jim sits on my right.(同义句改写)拜托拉``` 求 angel of mine 歌词!歌手:The Icarus Account 母亲在一个男孩子一生成长的过程中,起多大的作用啊? 关于get dressed、wear、dress的用法顺便帮我解释下这道题目Do you think little John can __ himself? A getdressed B wear clothes C put on D dress clothes 我真的不知道该怎么办?总觉得一切太快.刚认识一个月他就提出要拜访我父母.我们是经人介绍认识的,我们给彼此映像都还可以,交往两周后他说他父亲想见我,吃个便饭,我就这样傻傻的见了他 写你参加过的一次活动,如看演出,看花展,参观博物馆.注意比你的感受表达出来. when we got home ,we found the house had been washed away by the storm请问这句话中 有when 一个连词 所以可以连接俩个谓语动词 分别是got found 为什么后面还出现了had been washed away 这个不也是个谓语动词么? he mede face and the baby didn't cry anymore同意句he made face and the baby cried_____ ______. 布朗夫人舒适厨房怎么样 未成年人应该怎样履行自己受教育的义务 双胞胎的受精问题?生物多年没翻生物书了,也忘得差不多了.是这样子的:两个精子与一个卵子结合,是联体婴;那同性的双胞胎与异性的双胞胎又是如何形成的呢? 人双胞胎是同卵双受精还是异卵受精,还有那龙凤胎呢? Mrs.Brown was very p___ to see her. Mrs Brown was too () to () her childA busy ; look after B busy ; looking after C busily ; look after D busily ; looking after 短文理解:(Mrs Green was eighty years old and healthy.)Mrs Green was eighty years old and healthy.She had a car ,and she always drove to the shops on Saturdays and bought(我怀疑此处错误,不应该用过去时态,her food.She did not drive 社会实践报告可以写关于什么的我仅想到了一个内容,还感觉不合适就是写汽车改装天然气的现状及其原因,分析 谁给我编下面这份社会实践报告实践主题:活动时间:活动地点:寻求帮助或指导者:活动过程基本情况:主要体会和收获: 《钦定宪法大纲》与《中华民国临时约法》有什么不同 《钦定宪法大纲》的依据思想是什么? There was nothing anybody could do是同位语从句,还是定语从句? 哪个英语单词在德语语里是战神的意思