
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:47:33
‘飞’字的拼音怎么打? 一个凸多边形除了一个内角之外,其余各内角之和为2748°,求这个角的度数. 一个凸多边形除了一个内角之外,其余各内角之和为2748°,求这个内角的度数. 悲欢离合、抑扬顿挫、阴晴圆缺的相同特点是什么? Y*什么是挡车工? I gave Tom story books同义句是什么 we can see_(many) books in the library than in the bookstore. DO U want to share with me what the problems are with ur family?Or prefer to keep for 如真如假如可分身饰演自己,如痴如醉还盼你懂珍惜自己.很喜欢这句话的感觉, 我发现我很喜欢学习语言,喜欢各种不同的语言,不知道这个兴趣能干什么? 趸音的意思 拜托,急求~谢谢了~急求! 谁知道的说,请告诉我的说~ when i was young ,i didn‘t...to have much money ,so i couldn’t buy books don't...填什么? I go to school on w____,but I am free on weekends. “今天就像我的人生,一路都在沟外头”这句话是代表什么意思,一个女孩说的! 舟中听大人弹琴的 译文赏析拒绝转载《舟中听大人弹琴》 弹琴江浦夜漏水,敛衽窃听独激昂.风松瀑布已清绝,更爱玉佩声琅璫.自従郑卫乱雅乐,古器残缺世已忘.千家寥落独琴在,有如老仙不死 It's ___the most unforgettable experence for him.填possible还是possibly? on the west beach of the lake( )an old tower built about a hundred years ago为什么用stands一般现在时,不是有a hundred years ago吗,为什么不用一般过去式啊急,明天就考试了那为什么这道At the foot of the mountain ( )a be “日落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠”的后两句是什么? 月落鸟啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠.描写的季节 ___of the old village stands a tower..North 为什么不填In north或者the north? 谁能告诉我中国名句“富贵不能淫”的后半句是什么? "吓煞人"的煞读shà还是shā? 花落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠. “叶落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠.”所隐含的物理知识.要三点,才学到光的传播(苏教版) Good thing everyone will be anxious,calm Several people 小学数学加减乘除的乘除公式不会要怎么学?谢谢你们的回答.九九乘法表我会背,麻烦! 围巾的种类的款式问题? 材料名称为“热轧碳素结构钢等边角钢”,规格及型号为“4.5 45~50x3~5mm”的钢材,其中规格及型号中前面的”4. 高中英语题:?I won`t have this kind of thing (_) to him again .?A.happening B.happen答案是A,表延续,主动,??求解释 _______,I would have not done this kind of foolish thing yesterdayA.Were I you B.I were you C.If I was you D.If I had been you 是不是主句看见 would have done 从句就选 had done 有没有考电焊证的练习题 家乡的房子 作文 100字