
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:07:34
65 percent of the raw materials的谓语数是单数还是复数? 还有one65 percent of the raw materials的谓语数是单数还是复数?还有one third of the country 呢? The output of the factory reduced by twenty percent.请翻译 我会采纳,1题,急,要过程,给好评 11,12,先答对给好评,答—个也行, _______ a reply,he decided to write again.A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received 英语18.________ a reply ,he decided to write again.18.________ a reply ,he decided to write again.a.Not receiving b.Receiving not c.Not having received d.Having not received为什么 帮我想个近音英文名我叫悦婷.麻烦各位大哥大姐帮我想个近音的英文名! 置换反应能写出离子化学式吗? Bill Of Material BOM研究目的和意义,和国内外动态有知道的么,有点急,有关它他的资料也行 Bill of Material 的缩写为BOM 缩写怎么读呢?按单词读还是一个一个字母读? BOM表的BOM是什么意思?BOM 的英文全称是什么? bill 英文什么意思? piping bill of material是什么意思 就这一道题, 第一题,答完立马给好评 2.(1)题,如果能把下面的题都答完一定给好评哦 只写1,2就行, ()a reply,he decided to write agin.a.not recieving b.not having recieved c.having not recievedd,not recieved 我认为a和d都对,但正确答案是a,我觉得句子是条件状语从句,省了主谓, 第13届全国新概念作文大赛一等奖获奖名单? 历届新概念作文获奖名单我想要历届新概念获奖名单,如果说全部的太多了,那2007年以前的行吗? 历届新概念作文大赛一等奖裂解新概念作文大赛一等奖都有谁啊 Computers keep() of goods in goods in stock ,of raw materials on hand ,and even ofComputers keep() of goods in goods in stock ,of raw materials on hand ,and even of production process.A company B touch C track Dpace麻烦解释,谢谢 keep track of 最好有例句说明 装HID氙气灯有什么好处 keep track of 后面接什么填词!do you understand? keep track of还是keep trace of? 《小抄写员》的全文! 八年级上册政治提纲(广东版)要的是广东版 八年级上册政治提纲历史提纲 “豕”的读音就是三字经之中,应该读哪介音? 豕的读音 豕原,读音是什么?