
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:04:38
我们赞美长江 你是.出于哪里?5天内回答 16.39he'd like to ____his sincere thanks for your timely helpa.spreadb.appreciatec.expressd.explain 变色龙只哪种人? my mother has a good m though she is 70 though my grandma is old,she is quite a____ and takes part in most of the activities. They cooked a meal over an open fire.整句话的意思是他们在篝火上烧起了饭,其中open they cooked a meal over an open fire.请问:over an open fire怎么翻译?在句中做什么成份? ---------this was done,they cooked a meal over an open firea as soon b just as c until d just after请说明选d的理由以及b、d的区别.蟹蟹 as soon as this was done they cooked meal over an open fire这里是一般过去式被动语态还是过去完成时? AS soon as this was done,they cooked a meal over an open fire.这句话主句和从句的时态各是什么?哪是主句哪是从句? 一层楼共240级台阶,从一楼到四楼共48级台阶,问这层楼共有多少层? 还有 the firemen managed to( )the fire in a very short time(还有好多呢) 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵改写成故事 把送孟浩然之广陵改写成400字左右的短文急 我们经常用变色龙来指一类人,他们是 脑筋急转弯 什么字母走的路最长? 关于英文字母的脑筋急转弯,会的来!猜一猜下面描述的是什么字母?1加3不等于4 Mr Wang is our English teacher.改一般疑问句 今天,变色龙指一种什么样的人?( ) 变色龙是属于什么样的人?选择有:痴心妄想的人,不明事理的人,依附别人的人,随声附和的人,厚颜无耻的人,代人受过的人,外强中干的人,出类拔萃的人,见风使驼的人!选一个~ 变色龙指的是什么人?喜欢攀龙附凤的那种人叫什么?变色龙指的是什么人?喜欢攀龙附凤的那种人叫什么?变色龙指的是什么人?喜欢攀龙附凤的那种人叫什么?变色龙指的是什么人?喜欢攀龙附凤 “90后”用英语怎么说啊? Last weekend I went to…… 作文20句左右 "90后"用英语怎么说? i'like to see you off at the airport . Could you tell me ___ ? A when your plane will take offB when your plane took off 形容单身的成语 很久没去用哪个成语形容 帮我想一个成语 形容好的事物停留不长久好的事物停留不长久 具体用在花很快凋零,好景不长不太合适吧? 变色龙除了指一种动物 还指一种人 指怎样的人 他们每天吃得很好用英语怎么说 what should I do? I don‘t know 麻烦帮翻译一下 谢谢 Last weekend I went to visit my grandmother.SLast weekend I went to visit my grandmother.She told me the life is quite different now.She said there weren't any shops in the town at that time.She had to go shopping in another town.And she lived in a s