
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:07:41
Our teacher wanted us to do a p______on after-school activities TEACHER WANTED FOR NO.6MIDDLE SCHOOL要100词以上的 P.E.Teacher Wanted for School Sports Meeting 为题的作文60词左右复制、现编的都行啊 sin在数学中是怎么计算的 函数y减负4x中,如果自变量的取值范围是-3≤x≤3,则x=一4x的图像是一条______,次函数的最大值是_____,最小值是_____. 已知函数y=-4x.自变量x的取值范围是5/6 谁能告诉我数学中【sin】是什么.. 函数y=-4x中,如果自变量的取值范围是-3≤x≤3,则y=-4x的图像时一条线段,他的两个端点坐标分别为什么 sin(-π)=? 已知函数y=4x-3(1)当x>-5时,求函数值y的取值范围 (2)当y>-5时,求自变量x的取值范围(3)当3 有关启示的名言警句和句子. 有关珍惜时间的名人名言!急!10句以上,越多越好! 已知函数y=4x^2,自变量x取值范围是( ),y的取值范围是( ) 三棱锥P-ABC中,PA⊥面AB,AC⊥BC,PA=AC=1,BC=根号2,则二面角A-PB-C点余弦值为 家长可以来听课英文 parents can come to () our lessons 关于自律的名言警句. 有关自律的名言和小故事 已知PA⊥平面ABC,AC⊥BC,AB=2,BC=根2 ,PB= 根6,二面角P-BC-A的大小图是要自己画的 珍惜时间的名言格言各两条 珍惜时间的名言,谚语 鹅卵石读后感 一千字 our school is in the centre of the city同义句Our school is in the centre of the city.等于Our school is in the ( ) ( ). the d____between our school and the center of the city is 18 kilometers. our school is in the city.同义句这是填空:our school is in the ____ of the city. 已知函数y= |x2-1| x-1 的图象与函数y=kx的图象恰有两个交点,则实数k的取值范围是函数y=|x2-1| x-1 =|x+1| • |x-1| x-1 =x+1 ,x>1 -(x+1) ,-1≤ x<1 x+1 ,x<-1 x+1 ,x>1 -(x+1) ,-1≤ x<1 x+1 ,x<-1 是怎么来的 生命美丽.(改为比喻句) ___________________________________一个小苍蝇展开柔嫩的绿翅膀,在阳光里快乐地飞舞.(改为拟人句) 数学三角函数,球大神填下这个表格 I study in a big school in our city ,about two hundred kilometers ( )A.out B.away C.far D.far away Our school is[ ]middle school in our city 怎么选?A.the second big B.the first big C.the second biggest D.the first biggest选什么麻烦 说明为什么 Our school is in the north of our city,It has a history of 30 years,It used to be a school Our school is[ ]middle school in our cityA.the second big B.the first big C.the second biggest D.the first biggest选什么