
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:32:58
they spend twenty minutes____to school.(travel)the soup is too____(salt)today.this is the____(pop)movie among the young generation.what a big___(advertise)it is!of course,they can____over the radio.他们家的公寓在五楼。中翻英。 I will spend ten more minutes typing my honework.It will _____ _____ ten more minutes to_____ myhomework.(保持句意不变) You spend about forty minutes____(get) to New York. 关于such as 用法的一道选择题45.( ) ghost exists in the world.That's your illusion.A.No such a thing as B.No such a thing as aC.No such thing as a D.No such thing as many of the students in my class go to school______.a.by busesb.on their bikes 荷兰的英文名Netherlands还是holland还是其他? Many students in my class t----------the bus to school The Financial Review 是什么档次的杂志? 有没有什么物理杂志? I spend 5 minutes getting to school by subway .改为同义句 ()()()5 minutes ()()()to school i spend 5 minuntes getting to school by subway.的同义句 where are you going to be? where are you going to do?这两句一样吗?都分别是什么意思? 按字有两个意思,用依照这个意思造句并组词,谢了······ Physical Review C上发表文章,如果一切顺利,大概要多长时间可以见刊? 西班牙语.为什麽有的形容词在名词前有的在名词后?Llueve mucho in China?Alli el clima es mas suave;ademas, llueve mucho.这两句话裏为什麽llueve放在mucho前面Hace sol,pero a veces llueve y hace mucho veintoManana hace mucho 西班牙语“el libro nuevo”,形容词"nuevo"怎么放在名词"libro"的后面,是不是西班牙语都是形容词后置? 谷歌搜索 [西班牙语]形容词与名词搭配问题比如old men and women,是hombres y mujeres viejos还是hombres y mujeres viejas?形容词的阴阳性根据什么确定呢?是只要有阳性名词就是viejos,还是根据“就近原则”用viejas,还 汉译英:Google ,在中国被称为“谷歌”,是世界上最受欢迎的搜索引擎 They got to school school five minutes ago 改同义 4-6个字母的好听的英文单词···在线等······· 字母组单词请用五行中的金、木、水、火、土的英文单词的开头首字母组成一个或多个单词,金、木、水、火、土的单字词性不限,组成的单词词性不限,意义要求完美的,向上的,越多越好. we should take a______ to make our world cleaner and more beautiful 急,想办法think of a plan to make our city cleaner a急,想办法think of a plan to make our city cleaner and greener. - We had done a lot to make our city cleaner,but it's still not enough.- So we should do____to improve it.A.less B.higher C.later D.more we should stop to think before ___(speak)our minds横线处填什么是_ing 还是动词原形谢谢哦 定语从句中的关系词的用法尽量言简意赅,浅显易懂.不要长篇的.太多啦,只要解释每个关系代词和关系副词怎么用,有什么区别之类的就行,要有条理性哦! 定语从句关系词用法关系词前面有介词的话 如果把它带入从句要连介词一起么?Mrs Evans is the person to whom you should write这个句子只能用whom在介词后面就叫介词宾语?还是跟介词一起构成宾语叫介 定语从句关系词的用法where,white ,as 在定语从句中作关联词的用法(先行词是什么时用where,white ,as)还有几个题目:1.Is this the factory ( ) a lot of student visited yesterday A.the one B.which C.who D.whom2.Is thi 定语从句中的各关系词的用法以及区别that which what有什么区别?who和whom有什么区别?各关系词的各种用法要求简洁明了,还有就是宾语从句和关系从句有什么区别?请举例说明! I spend 5minutes geting to school by subway的同义句 什么时候用much many什么时候用a few,few,a litter,litter?