
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 16:37:58
There is__(nobody,somebody.anybody,everybody)knocking at the door,Go and see who it is 请问All buses ((having been canceled)) because of the heavy snow,they had to to there on foot.All buses ((having been canceled)) because of the heavy snow,they had to to there on foot.括号里的((having been canceled))能不能替换为canceled All buses ______ because of the heavy snow,they had to to there on foAll buses ______ because of the heavy snow,they had to to there on foot.a、had been canceledb、having been canceledc、were canceledd、having canceled此题选B,但我想问为 there is ( )knocking at the door.GO and see who it is A nobody B somebody C anybody D everybody及选项的作用 All flights ___ because of the heavy snow,we had to take the train.A.were canceled B.had been canceled C.have been canceled D) having been canceled Is _____ here?No,Xiao Wang is in the library.A.anybody B.everybody C.somebody D.nobody为什么?否定句. 英语语法:most/the mostWe were very much surprised.We were ( ) surprised.Most or the most?The key is the only most,i.e,no the before most.Why not?Please don't copy answers from somewhere.Thank u in advance. 对话中的标点用法举个例子:张三转过身,神情悲切地望向远方,“我想吃鸡腿.”这句话里,远方后面应该用冒号还是逗号?我理解的是,只有出现“说”“道”这种动词时用冒号,像上面的语境可 补充句子:和平是___________,不是_________. 名人说的关于和平的句子(一定是句子!) 有关于和平的句子.5句. 物竞天择,适者生存!到底是谁说的?是达尔文还是赫胥黎? 0的英文单词咋写 又一个-0-关于英文单词星尘的英文 0的英文单词怎么写.非常急 有关于和平的英语句子?急用! 四级513分能过中级口译的笔试吗虽然知道这种问题意义不大,但是马上就要考了 ,还是希望考过的筒子们让我心里有点谱哈~想大概知道一下难度和水平. 按照达尔文的理论,物竞天择,适者生存,生物一切都是为了自己利益,但是请问,周恩来有什么利益?周恩来为了国家利益对个人的好处似乎微乎其微,那到底是为什么呢? 英语翻译confusing images of men in contemporary media. 英语翻译 物竞天择 适者生存 的自然法则源于英国科学家达尔文巨著的 物竞天择,适者生存.这句话是达尔文讲的,这句话的前半句是什么意思呢? 借你吉言 是什么意思? 托你吉言 近义成语 吉言是什么意思?最好是语句! 英语翻译He was charged with learning that the U.S.Food and DrugAdministration was going to reject an application for ImClone’s cancer drug,Erbitrux.大概意思我知道.他被控提前知晓美国食品和药品管理委员会将要拒绝免 I have joined the english club at school (用一般疑问句)_____ you _____ the english club at school Have you joined our English club?Yes丨_____it five weeks agoA、have joinedB、will join C、joined为什么 you are supposed __ the English club to improve your spoken English .join joining to join joined I have __ the English club for only 3 days.< > A.joined B.become member of C.take part in D.been in 收索吉言成语我要这样的,开头是一二三四五六七八九十百千万的,我要用这种成语祝贺别人,知道的多说说, 已经抛物线C:y^2=4x,过点M(2,0)的直线l交C与A、B,使|AM|:|BM|=1:2,求l方程我被困扰了数个小时啦.就是不知道怎么用AM:BM=1:2的关系.