
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:57:25
how many children does cage have .How many children does Mrs Brown have?这里的have为什么不是has? How many——(child)does Bill have?正确形式 life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago的同义句?速求! offspring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment.请问them one day的意思?完整句子:There is always the chance that enough offspring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment. Which one of them will fill the gap? Thanks to all the modern appliances,life today is much easier than_____.used to be,我怎么觉得是that used to be呢 启闭阀的使用与海拔高度有关系吗?公称压力分几个类型? 中国梦是China dream还是Chinese dream? 请问有谁知道这首歌,大概是这样的,是酒吧里的歌. take it me higher higher higher.三个higher的音调是越来越高的. I never Drum Error--Take Drum out,slide the blue tab from side to side several times,return the tab to按照提示蓝色那个键拉回拨动几下还是不行怎么办? 她虽然小,却可以自己赚钱 she can make money herself_______ ________she is very young She is happy a___ she is very poor 根据句意和首字母完成句子 最后一句,She is very happy 迈克尔·乔丹的一句经典的名言是什么? 乔丹有什么名言? 英语多位数读法22202002022303033300033有几个and,哪里是必须的,哪里可以省略意思是最后三位一定有且只有一个? 英语数的读法68 894 8369 15000 7600000 756431 6500000084567321分别怎么读```? 求一句乔丹的名言!那句话的大体意思是:如果有人想要超越我,我会更加努力,使这个变得不可能.原话我忘了.大体这个意思.希望原话和英文原话一起来的我日你们祖宗啊 你们高考肯定都0分 简单的英语数字读法问题1360000用英语请问是怎么读?能用英语写给我看看吗 回水阀按在那,饮用水就是那个一般的家庭饮用水(平房),听说按个回水阀冬天不冻,想知道具体按在那?怎么用? 在最高层供回水立管之间加个连通阀起什么作用 The air in our city now is ___________than it was beforA,much better B.more better it would be worse to have to wear gas masks in our city than to ride in buses or trains翻译 It is bigger than our city的翻译 选择题 座右铭是啥意思? 座右铭是什么 It is really (help)______ for our life Pretty woman的歌词!就是风月俏佳人的主题曲!很急于知道.我想我是爱上这部电影了 英语翻译最好是中英对照.