
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:39:08
each M7120平面磨工作台运行速度提不上去?磨床大修前,工作台运行速度提不上去,大修后也一样,液压都好着,没异常,密封圈也换了.调整工作台缸的油路阀,可以调死,也可以提速,但提不到最理想的速 30分帮帮忙检查英语文章看咯这篇有语法错误么,帮我改出来,谁改对了就给30分,不食言Help?HappyDo you hear an idiom?Give one a rose,and you hands are sweet-smelling!From this,I write a story!Please listen:One day,I go to th m7130h平面磨床磨头爬行,我怀疑是液压系统故障,但不知是哪个位置出了问题,主要是工作台换爬行 She sat down without _____a wordA.says say C.said D.saying paul tried to use a knife to open the door的同义句 She sat there,silent. 他已经在北京呆了十周了 翻译 还有,He said :"I bought this book two years ago"改为间接引语 he use a knife to open the door 同义句 I bought this book two years ago我买了这本书在两个星期之前.那为什么不可以在bought前加have. 1、Amy tried ____(open) the door ______ (填介词,用)a knife2、Be q_____ We have _____ (run) quickly ,or we _____(miss) _____(catch) the bus3、The little girl is afraid ____(speak) English in front of the strangers ._____ _____(反意疑问句 英语翻译如题, 谁知道BoA的HAPPY BIRTHDAY的中文歌词? take photos音标 She is a good woman.变成复数一般疑问句,并做肯定回答 photos两个o的音标 these photos 改成 these are photos 可以么? That`s all right thanks to your haven`t forget my birthday I`m very happy 中文 关于磁铁的退磁过程我们都知道的磁铁加热到居里温度时会失去磁性,但这个过程是随着温度的升高磁性慢慢的减弱,还是突然的消失的呢?或者是在某段时间里消失的呢?可以的话能给个数据或 磁铁受到撞击为什么会退磁 某棕红色气体为某氮的氧化物,氮、氧两种元素的质量比为7:16,是确定该气体的化学式某棕红色气体为某氮的氧化物,氮、氧两种元素的质量比为7:16,试确定该气体的化学式 钕铁硼磁铁会退磁吗? My best friend tells me he___(send)some gifts to me for my birthday用所给动词的正确形式填空 I haven\'t see you belong with long time什么意思I haven't seen you in a long time 如何翻译 take an action=take part + see you next long time haven't see you这么说对吗?Haven't see you for a long time是比较好的吧.但是上边把long time放前边对吗? They haven't got a letter from you for a year.改为同意句,They__you for a year. They are glad to see each other again._____ _____ _____ are _____ see each other again!这句咋写 给动词的适当形式填空【they are very glad _______(see) each ot... they,excited,Shanghai,each,other,to,see,again,in,are,very连词成句?希望准确,谢谢.可以的话顺便解释一下. How glad they were to see each other again in Shanghai!为什么be动词后面可以加to