
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:42:34
we () television very oftena not watchb doesn't watchc don't watchd don't watching选哪个? it's very often语法有没有错 请帮我起个类似于林志玲Chiling阿娇Gillian之类的英文名吧 我叫关尔雅 就是要和我的名字的音相近的 阿娇的英文名怎么读 钟欣桐的英文名是什么? Gillian和Nichole哪个英文名比较好?RT说明理由 have the benefit 女生英文名Karen、Gillian哪一个好? 女生英文名Karen、Gillian 哪一个好? besides是什么意思? I want to learn the mames ______the holiday. Many children are left alone in the countryside.Let's try our best () them.A help B helping C to hMany children are left alone in the countryside.Let's try our best () them.A help B helping C to help D helps It was dangerous down here. Walks besides you Baby.join.me.in.my.whole.life,right? #include void main(void) {int a1=10,a2=3; float a3=8.0; cout i walk can with you 连词成句 帮忙翻译一下 Mummy they call me names They wouldn’t let me play I’d run home, sit and cry almost He is one of those overweight people who sit in a sofe and eat junk food while they watch TV.翻译 they do not want to sit in traffic anymore翻译 to be with 1、单个的细菌个体微小,肉眼难以看到,我们可以通过观察什么来鉴定菌种?鉴定的依据有哪些?2、细菌的生存需要什么样的条件?怎样的条件能抑制细菌的繁殖?3、细菌对人类有利还是有害?请举 After supper thechildren do their homework.中填their homework有什么作用 I will promise happy everyday! They sit in the classroom and l_____ to the teacher a miracle to be with The flowers are in front of( ).I do my homework after supper but my cousin( ).Who( )a bicycle.The children( )a bicycle.Mr Smith walks to the station and( )a train.用一下单词的适当形式填空take、have、do、she、rise people all overthe the world must e__the best wys possible to reduce carbon emissions 我想知道由一些字母组成的单词.分别是ptkcdpfn顺序随便.有必要的话可以加字母.最好不要减少.谢谢.问题可能有点冷僻 不是说只有have sb. do sth. 吗?那为什么《一起开始的旅程》中有 have you to be with?错了. 是《魔力》里面的 I want have some fruit.在want和have之间为什么没有to? I want to take care of my health ,I eat___(main)fruit and vegetables