
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:54:29
高中物理 两个物体叠加在一起比如 A B两个物体 A加在B上 A与B的动摩擦因数为μ1 B与地面的摩擦因数为μ2有个力拉A 这个力在不断变大 什么时候两物体发生相对滑动 最好这类问题的题型全 talk with 和TALK有什么区别talk with 不是和...交谈吗这个句子说的只是 聊天 也没说和某人啊 He even had friends to talk with there 当xy等于何值时,4x²;+9y²-4x+12y-1有最小值?并求出这个最小值. 求解选择题第十题………… 已知(4X-2Y-1)²+根号xy-2=0,求4x²y²+xy²的值 我是什么 佛学 这个数列共有多少项?这个数列中所有数的总和是多少? 题一合唱团用了9500元买了45套服装.已知上衣大号的每件142元,中号的每件135元,小号的每件128元;裤子大号的每件76元,中号的每件68元,小号的每件64元.问各种上衣和裤子各买了多少件? 一项工程,甲乙2人合作4天之后,再有甲队独做六天才能完成任务,已知甲比乙每天多完成这项工程的八十分之一,则甲乙单独完成时各需几天 i w ______who will give us the speech The teacher asks me to give a speech____the class.I'm a little nervousA.in the front of B.in front of C.at the front of D.after CTNET和CTWAP是什么意思网络:电信 天翼 (CDMA2000)上网设置 因为2/5×1/4×10=1,所以()A、2/5和1/4、10互为倒数B、2/5和1/4的乘积和10互为倒数 我笔写我心。(点名观点) 你终于对我说分手 你张开怀抱溶化了我是哪首歌曲的词语 改几个英语病句或者不合适的地方.1 I didn't know what was he studying.2 I was scheduled to travel to Japan and it maade me exciting.3 You are not working enough carefully.4 The first reason why I study English is like it.5 A doctor's inc 有关2010年12月棉花的信息我们现库存籽棉有一定的数量,质量在3-4级.请问日后价格是否上升. 这两个题选什么?为什么? 这道题为什么选这两个? 第三题怎么作谁会帮帮我 三题咋作 英语翻译In the past it was necessary to keep an extensive library of materials related to the past presentations of the organization,and while it is still helpful to have some of the more often used resource materials,it is possible to access muc 英语翻译i just got into the business on a Bid to my Late Dad contract Payment collecting, 第8,9两个题 8, 明年棉花的最高价 一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共10.0分)Ever since my brother took that job offer,he has been traveling _____,and we rarely talk these days.A.back and forth B.to and from C.Here and there D.Back and front As the train came near,people wai 明年1月棉花明年1月会涨价吗?会超过7元? 1Singapore is a small island ------ Southeast Asia,which is a wonderful place to take a holiday.A,in B.on C to D into2.There are about six ----- students in our schoolA thousandB thousandsC thousands ofD thousand of3.We didn't have any problems ----- 11.Norman Davis will be remembered by many with ____not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend.A) kindness B) friendliness C) warmth D) affection 12.Salaries for ____ positions seem to be higher than for permanent o 动物的肉按等质量,蛋白质多少的排行榜同等质量的不同动物的肉蛋白质的多少的排行榜,