
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:21:54
挖一条水渠,第一天挖了全长的3/10,第二天挖的是第一天的8/9,第三天全部挖完,已知第三天比第二天多挖75米,这水渠长多少? A lot of people are buying his music which usually happens in these situations请大家帮忙翻译一下这里的situation these pens are (in his bags)就()提问() ()thses pens? 三角函数求极限limit(n趋向于无限大) n*sin(2兀/n)要求背景知识,解法和思路, 三角函数 求极限 请问 户外活动 和 完全地 怎么用英语翻译? 英语翻译…英文翻译 他发现骑马很有有趣 英语翻译、、、 甲数是乙数的8分之3.甲数和乙数的比是什么?( 算式 ) 甲数是乙数的三分之二,乙数和甲数的比是什么.比值是()甲数除于乙数的商是五分之四,甲数与乙数的比是() 近似数5.40所表示的准确数a的范围是 近似数1.250精确到哪位 世界上什么动物的鼻子最长?.. 提问GMAT余数题,实在数学差,希望指点!If n is a positive integer and r is the remainder when (n-1)*(n+1) is divided by 24, what is the value of r?1. 2 is not a factor of n.2. 3 is not a factor of n.请问这题思路是什么啊?怎么利 500内除以7余数2的有几个数 常用的1024进位单位,要具体的进制. 求助!一道GMAT数学题If an organization were to sell n tickets for a theater production, the total revenue from ticket sales would be 20 percent greater than the total costs of the production. If the organization actually sold all but 5 percent The king 2hearts什么意思 出大象外,还有什么动物长得是大象鼻子啊? 一道关于GMAT的数学题 the king 2hearts收视率怎么样 一道gmat 187.DS:说一个人对租金(还是其他什么?反正是钱.)都是四舍五入到$1的,问这个人所估算的与实际值之间的误差在不在$8之内?A.她收到的实际的租金都 韩剧the king 2hearts的含义是什么? the king 2hearts第七集公主在城墙上唱的歌是什么 名胜古迹用英文怎样拼写 用英语描写一个名胜古迹救急呀 写英语作文哦 用英语写出名胜古迹 lim(x→-8){[根号下(1-x)]-3}/[2+3次根号下x] 英语翻译:It was built in the early 12th century by King Suryavarman II as his state temple. data sufficient的题目问题是what's the ratio of the number of cups of flour to the number of cups of sugar required in a certain cake recipe为什么条件3/2 more cups of flour than cups of sugar are required in the recipe 这个条件是不充 GMAT数学题For all positive integers m and v,the expression m Θ v represents the remainder when m is divided by v.What is the value of A.-10B.-2C.8D.13E.17Answer:D感激不尽 gmat数学里的题型都什么样子啊?