
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:33:53
描写勤学的名言警句 I go to see my brother和 I go to visit my brother这表达都不对吧中文是我去看我哥哥. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变笨,这句话是否具有合理性,请大家发表一下个人看法 趣味阅读日古时候的关于孩子玩耍的古诗 ( )who____your brother like to visit?A.cold B.would C.is giveing最好说说排除答案的原因和经过. deal with sth.这个词组怎么翻译? 分解因式:已知a、b、c满足:a+b=5,c的平方=ab+b-9,求c的值要详细的过程 尔贡包茅不入,王祭不共,无以缩酒,寡人是征;昭王南征而不复,寡人是问.的宾语前置寡人是征,寡人是问是宾语前置吗?如果是,原句就成了征寡人,问寡人寡人不是自己称自己吗?这里怎么指对方 factory inspectors recommended that new safety rules ____A could have reached B should have reached C need have reached D must have reached汗....A should introduce B would be introduced C introduced D be introduced ___ Mr.Li called while you were out.He was in ____ very bad mood.A./;a B.A;a选A呢?这两项有什么区别? 4、中国共产党在1927年( )上确定实行土地革命和武装起义总方针   A.八七会议 B.中共五大   C.十一月8、为了力争中国共产党对抗日战争的领导权,党在抗日民族统一战线中必须坚持( While he was e() 学会了音标下一步是记单词吗 尔贡包茅不入,王祭不共,无以缩酒中的共的是什么意思 “寡人是问”为什么要宾语前置 如何正确理解土地革命,武装斗争,农村革命根据地建设三者之间的关系 一道简单语法题,求详解i suppose you are not serious,______?A.don't i B.do i C.are you?D.aren't you?我想选D,我同事坚决选B.有没有确定一点的.到底是C还是D? 一个简单语法题it alows people to have friends without having any of the responsibilities.中without have 还是without having?为什么是any of the 能把of the make和headmaster怎么造句aaaa the secretary and headmaster is going to make a speech this afternoon 秘书和校长是不指同一人吗?额...我是问这里的英语语法问题,用and连接起两个单数名词在意思上指同一人,谓语用单数,那这里校长和 He can't find his dog anywhere.(改为同义句) He can ___ his dog ___. 划分(贡之不入,寡人之罪也)的句子成分 求英语高手翻译!Note changes that are underway - leaves changing colors这是什么意思 这两道题看看,表语从句和虚拟语气?1.When was it( )he left for BeijingA.since B.that C.where D.which2.Our teacher suggest we ( )go home at onceA.go B.went I made a suggestion to the headmaster one of the teachers to the UK for further educationheadmaster后填一个单词 为that teachers后面填is 还是be All the drawers had been looked through and still the letter didn't find改错请指点哪里错了,为什么, The headmaster as well as the teachers____.A are having a meetingB have gone to the museum we can't work out the physics problem .canyou tell us _____ A.how to do B.what to do it C.how to do it D.what should to do The boy looked dead,but the doctor found his heart was still ___.A.beating B.jumping C.knocking D.strikingWhich one?why? 应该怎样预习初中课程 昭王曰:“寡人将谁朝而可” 寡人将谁朝而可的译文