
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:26:33
急,大家都尊敬他的作文 With all the magazines I needed ___ ,I left the post office.A.buying B.to buy C.bought D.to be bought 为什么选C 不选B? With ___ he needed ___,he left the supermarket happily.A.all;bought B.something;to be boughtC.all;buying D.everything;today为什么不选D 一句关于交流沟通(communication)的英文名言 要经典的, 银链子可以和金子一起配戴吗 culture可数吗?急用 身在曹营心在汉的典故指的是谁人? 典故:青龙偃月刀,温酒斩华雄,身在曹营心在汉分别与哪些历史人物有关? 英语语法小题目,求助with his legs placed题目中为什么用placed而不是place?求助~~~ gave me a slip to have each teacher signto have each teacher sign是不定式?sign是宾补? ____ we sat down,the host gave us each a piece of paperA.while B.as 为什么答案是A 人究竟是由什么演变而来的,如果说是猴子,那么现在的猴子为什么不变成人呢? we must clean the d______ plates and bowls 用首字母填空 We cannot leave e______bowls and plates on the table. 单位要收集金点子,求宾馆营销简洁的金点子! 间接引语变直接引语:the doctor asked her him if he was feeling better that day间接引语变直接引语:i said that i could't speak english well 将直接引语改成间接引语 “Are you feeling better?"Kangkang asked the old lady.“What your hometown like?”he asked Ann. "Were you feeling better today?"the doctor asked my sister.英语改错题,请给出解题详情. The doctors said Are you feeling better now?变成间接引语,为什么还是feeling? The doctor saked her,"Are you feeling better宾语从句The doctor saked her()()() feeling better 人人都是东道主 我为中运做贡献 雨纷纷旧故里草木深 知不知道哪里可以下载英语国际音标的录音啊. fire怎么读 Suppressive fire怎么读 fire safety怎么读 fire extinguisher怎么读? fire truck怎么读 中运会征文 中运会征文怎么写!急 中运会金点子征文 求 my spirit will go on 的歌词及翻译