
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 05:14:04
have a beautiful red pencil-box with three pens,two pencils,a rubber and two rulers.Every morning do you doubt()i believe you,that,which,whether,if,应该选哪个?求讲解 The specified URL cannot be found 谁知道"the system cannot find the path specified" 是什么意思? 我想给自己取个藏语名字叫贡保才藏(贡保才让),应该是救怙主永生的意思吧? you can only believe in your own这句话是否有语法错误RT,是不是应该把YOUR OWN 改成yourself才正确YOUR OWN后面不该接名词吗? I wonder __ we can solve this hard problem.A.whI wonder __ we can solve this hard problem.A.what else B.how else my destiny is to solve this problem,no matter how hard it is!意思是? 藏语郭燕怎么拼写?我要纹身 求的中文简介及中文剧本作者是Wakako Yamauchi,急用... Shall We Dance?(From "The King And I") 歌词 Dance in the soul 根据首字母let us go and watch the( l ) dance,shall weIn china,we often let off ( f )on some spcial days I could never put up with such inefficiency if I __ an office.A run B were running C had run D shall run 问一道英语填空题Did you take _____ with you?A.enough foodB.food enoughC.enough bookD.book enough i could never dream of confronting the coach with such a trivial concern.1我做梦也不会想到面对这种尽关心这些小事的教练2我 做 梦 也 没 想 到 会 为 这 等 小 事 跟 教 练 争 执 哪种翻译对?为什么?讲一下 Which letter is like a little snake?谜语答案 Which letter is like a pyramid?好学者快来解答... l would have time to taste all four seasonsl would have time to taste all four seasons instead of burying myself in my studies 这句咋翻译啊., it's wonderful to have friends visiting from afar是什么时态! How much for this? 用适当的冠词、介词或副词填空 (急!)如题:I live in __1__ town.I usually get __2__ at 6:30 every morning.Then I have __3__ breakfast at 6:45.I usually go to school at 7:15.Then I get __4__ home at 5:30 every afternoon.My classmates You'd better let him________.We arrived at the bus stop _________ time and caught the bus .We were held _______ on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.Her sudden arrival prevented him_____ going out.You can wash these spots _____ with a brush.A p christina perri - a thousand years 能放在空间里的链接 thanks~ 介词填空,急!⒈He's writing______his dream home.⒉The name_____Mike's country is France.⒊I usually chat_______my friends there.⒋The house is_______a river.⒌The luve in a town______London.⒍We often listen______music in our bedroom.⒎___ 英法百年战争中贞德是怎么死滴 请说明come abou ,take place,happen之间的区别请说明这三者的侧重点 贞德的死对英法关系有什么影响希望解答详细具体一点,感激不尽 the building is now a supermarket .it ()a cinema A would be B used to be C was The old building,behind _______ was a famous church,was _______ we used to workwhich where 这个句子 有完全倒装句 还有定语从句 但我有点分不清楚 能分别写出来 哪个是完全倒装句 哪个是定语从句么 还有 为什 My loves offensive to God and reason...as love as harm to many girls 妈妈去世了,好想妈妈.我的妈妈去世了.可是我老觉得她没有死.我的妈妈身体一向很好,可是突然间就去世了.我们家的人都接受不了这个事实.老天真是太不公平了.我妈妈这一辈子很苦.一直很