
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:59:41
Something __ wrong with my little sisiterA seemed to B seemed to baC seemed to do D seemed being 英语完成句子 very加不加?原题:很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会._________for missing your birthday party.我答:I'm very sorry for missing your birthday party.I'm sorry for missing your birthday party.我想问:为什么不 谁知道在excel表格里,怎么在字的后面添加空白下划线,还能...十分谢谢给位朋友了5f 谁知道在excel表格里,怎么在字的后面添加空白下划线,还能... 你将来会是个医生吗?用英语怎么讲 求助好心人帮下这几篇文章啊······文武之道--关于文学和体育最高奖项得失的话题 The Cultural and Martial Doctrines:A Topic of the Gain and Loss of Literature and Sports Awards 作者:路云亭,期刊-核心期刊 体 感谢(作文)急需,还望各位好心人帮帮忙,300字左右 请好心人帮我在知网下几篇论文吧,急用,感谢感谢1.张洁,蔺玉荣的《大学英语教学中的文化教学》2.谢稚的论文《探索对外汉语文化教学的有效途径》3.冯安华,闻蔚的《浅谈在教学语言中文化 I hope the translation above will help you out. Don't lie to me face cuz I know I'm ugly 怎么去除熊猫手?超明显的..还有脖子啦,脚啦..想穿短一点的T都不行... f(x)=x^2+∫(2 0)f(x)dx,则∫(2 0)f(x)dx= 无与伦比什么意思? 请推荐些类似the final countdown的气势磅礴的歌!请推荐些类似Europe的the final countdown的气势磅礴的歌! the final countdown什么意思 the final countdown-europe的中文歌词! The Final Countdown de 中文意思? Don't cork it all up!If you feel angry,show it!这里的up,如何理解呢? 请问英语高人 I don't feel up to it.frankly i can not see my toes because i am wearing my shoes要引申义 怎么翻译Chemicals are carried in bulk in chemical carriers. make my feel hot为什么make后面不加宾格 、 Tom’s seat is NO.6,Row four.Jack’s seat is NO.6,Row five.Tom is ()Jack,Jack’s is ()Tom.急, 翻译a front-row seat 请问hot Solar Foot Canvasser正确的翻译是什么.这是一种green an isle 可答案是an isle seat ____is the old man?He is fineAwho Bwhose Cwhat Dhow 设f(x)在[-a,a]上连续,则积分(-a,a) x^2 *[f(x)-f(-x)]dx=? 生命健康权属于物质性人格权?为什么?急. 人格权是法律赋予民事主体本身应有的权力,包括( ) A.生命权、健康权 B.配偶权、亲权 C.肖像权、姓名 "he is a old man" 这个句子中又没什么错误,若有,请改正