
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:39:11
You don't need to describe her.I (have met) her several times."()"中为什么不能换成meet,will meet,或met? you don‘t have to describe her.i (have met/had met/met) her several times. You don't need to say anything to her .I______her several times.A has met B have met C met D meet 麻烦大家看下怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数有点着急了啊,十分谢谢给位朋友了6h 歧路亡羊的译文 英语 关于尊师重教的小作文 急用啊~~~关于尊师重教的都行,例如“程门立雪”之类的,有些难度呵~3Q 以尊师重教为题,写一篇作文!字数要求500字以上. 紫藤萝瀑布 在十年前 一大株紫藤萝 好像在试探什么 试探什么 death cab for cutie翻成中文是? 那位大侠能帮我翻译一下Death Cab for Cutie的 Expo '86这首歌德歌词啊 Although it was autumn,the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet. 后面的the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet是什么时态?already不是用于完成时中吗 这个句子又好像是进行时.Our legs were so heavy and cold tha 不定式做宾语,那个谓语是不及物动词吗? 请帮忙翻译英语谚语成汉语You are what you eat. Healthy mind in a healthy body. 谁帮我写一片英语短文!以Healthy Body为题,60单词快 翻译a healthy body快一点! 请帮我编篇英语作文,不少于七句话,主题是A healthy body 初中生写作文,有哪些关于挫折的事例?(自己的,中学生一般会经历的). These books are__.(they,them,theirs) 一道英语选择题,____makes your body strong A.Running B.Run C.TO run D.Runner 说明下原因啊. —What do you think of his plans.—I was not abit surp...—What do you think of his plans.—I was not abit surprised,for I had fully expected ( ).A.as much B.so much C.that much D.very much 求一首英文歌,里面歌词好像有BODY BODY BODY,SEX SEX SEX歌还不对. body英语怎么念 body的英语是什么意思? Many fast-growing countries are less concerned with protecting__against climate change.A.one B.oneself C.them D.themselvesI'm moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than__ in the country.A.ones B.one C.that D.those有什么 指出下列句子所运用的修辞手法,并联系课文简析其作用.但我们苦熬着,牙龈咬得酸痛,直等到朝霞的彩旗冉冉升起,我们就站成一排致敬. 指出下列句子的修辞方法并联系课文简析其作用(1)他牢牢的盯着月亮,就像财主盯着自己的金窖.答:(2)我们苦熬着,牙龈咬的酸疼,只等到找朝霞的彩旗冉冉升起,我们就站成一列.答: .I hope you heart every day I know nothing my love will hurt you这两句话是什么意思? You hurt my heart,I feel sad.Up to know,I feel surprise:I make a mistake that I love you什么意思 如何评价水经注 鲁迅怎样评价水经注那他评价过贾思勰的作品吗?(齐民要术) 《水经注》中对阴山岩画的描述原文 已知数列{an}中,a1=1,a2=2,且an+1=(1+q)an-qan-1(n≥2,q≠0).an+1,an-1为下角标(1)设bn=an+1-an(n∈正整数),证明{bn}是等比数列 (2)求数列{an}的通项公式.an+1,an-1为下角标