
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:01:00
can you tell me further details about other notice you can think of 这句话有什么问题么?求翻译 are you good __kis?we need a weekend teacher.in at for in 选哪个? suffer sth.和suffer from sth.的区别,undergo 和experience 的区别 The teacher asked those who completed their test __ the room as quickly as possible .A to leave B leave C left D would leave the teacher asked them ___ ___ their new _____ ____ 老师叫他们制定出新学期决定要做的事还有 she is going to (work hard at english ) this term 括号提问____ ____ she____ _____ ____ this term?最好讲一下怎么来的初二新目 The teacher asked them ______(表演)their conversation in front of the ciass. 英语翻译Nevertheless with the exception of Austria,no European government dares to loosen the grip on the recycled compost and grants quality compost the produtct property whished by the industry and expected by the market.这句话中,dares 和 Honey,I think I love you more and more,what can I say?Should be cannot extricate oneself,I will I haven't done that have I?翻译啊! l haven't solved that sum____.A already B.yet C.just D.ever 可以问一下,Maybe happy endings are just stories that haven\'t finished yet ,这句有对应的英文句子么? Happy endings are just stories that haven’t finished yet . 关于谐音的歇后语 拜托...手抄报需要.. brought up with the belief THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF怎么样 水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃 Mr.Williams was taken away by the police because he had something to _ with the robbery of the bank yesterday.A.dealB.makeC.doD.get What!What!What I will be I was afraid of talking with the police 紧急! He provided the police with the names of robbing the shop.怎么翻译 水陆草木之花,可爱者甚番.是什么意思?还有 予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,卓青莲而不妖 是什么意思? 水陆草木之花的之是什么意思? 解释一下 肯定是个简单的公式而已 洛贝电饭煲为什么通上电按下去总是在保温状态 with the grown of i可以翻译吗 The teacher is trying to apply the theory___his teaching A.for B.to C.with D.at The teacher is talking ( ) the animals in the zoo.A.to B.about C.with D.of 通风阻力测算3-6 某矿简化后的通风系统如题图3-2所示,已知R1-2=0.039Ns2/m8, R2-3=1.177Ns2/m8, R2-4=1.079Ns2/m8,Q2-3=35 ,Q2-4=25 ,试求矿井的总阻力、总风阻和总等积孔各为多少?(h总=1262.5Pa,R总=0.351 Ns2/m8 ,A 唇亡齿寒给我们的启示 “唇亡齿寒”的故事给了你怎样的启示? I must will miss you. thirty percent of them cited the mobile phone as the most disliked yet essential invention这句话as是做什么用的?