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已知[(y-2x)(3x+2y)+x(y+6x)]/3y,试说明式子的值与x无关. 2012年人教版新目标七年级上册英语听力和单词mp3录音,哪位有?麻烦发我邮箱joy1125@126.com 谢谢啦 已知(m-3)x m-2的绝对值-3m=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=() x+2y-z=-5 x+y+2z=-1 3x+4y-2z=-12x+2y-z=3 2x+y+3z=0 4x+z=-4 解不等式:-x²+5x-6>0 3x²+5x-2>0 解不等式(x²-5x+4)/x-2≥0 2012年秋新目标人教版的七年级上册英语听力材料,word文档.邮箱:498571328@qq.com 已知函数 f(x) ,当x,y 属于 R 时,恒有 f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y).1:求证f(x)是奇函数2:如果 x 属于R+ ,f(x) 解不等式 |x²-5x+6|<x²-4; 先阅读不等式x²+5x-6 求2012人教版新目标七年级英语上册的电子课本和录音, 邮箱 jiaqiude@163.com 谢谢了 求2012人教版新目标七年级英语上册的电子课本和录音 解一元二次不等式x²-5 4-x²≤0解一元二次不等式还有3x²-4<0 解一元二次不等式:x-1-x²≤0 .(x+0.4)乘6=5.4 1/3:3/20=7/9:π 3又1/5:π=1.8:5/8 知道的来啊.(x+0.4)乘6=5.4 .....1/3:3/20=7/9:π .....3又1/5:π=1.8:5/8 求2012年新版的八年级上册英语教科书 f(x)=lg((1+sinx)/cosx) 一元二次不等式x²≥1和x²≤1的不等式解是多少?还有一题是:6x-2-3x²<0的不等式解.今天没有认真听课. 构造一个以X=负七分之六为解的一元一次方程(要求含未知数的项至少有两项) 1、Mary______(translation)the story into Chinese and we undestood it.2、Li Tao,my_______(spell),is not good.What should I do?3、On New Year's Day,I often receive some ____(message)from my friends.4、The writing is good but there are some _______( 1、I had my hair __yesterday?A、to cut B、cutting C、cut D、cutted2、__he stole some money ,__he was sent to prison.A、Because ,so B、So,because C、Because,/ D、So,/3、The nose kept me __well last night.A、sleeping B、slept C、sleep D last week I met my old friend Li Ming,but I forgot________him for his telephone number.A.ask B.asking C.and ask D.to ask请问为什么不选B呢? a²x²-5ax-3=0是关于x的一元二次方程,则不等式3a+6>0解集是? Exercising is good for our health.Everyone knows that exercise is important.We all need exercise.Doctors say it is good for us.It makes your heart and body strong.Children often exercise.There are different kinds of exercise.You can walk,run swim,ska 八年级英语上册题连词成句all,in,china,take,the,students,not,school,bus,tobus,most,the,getting,to,way,of,popular,school,ison,foot,number,of,a,small,go,to,school,the,studengtsschool,far,live,how,you,do,formfrends,need,i,see,to,my根据汉语 八年级上册的英语题!Mr smith wanted to take his car out, so he asked a man to clean the road from his garage 英语八年级上册的题问几个题,要都回答!一定要对!今晚必须给1、( )The maths problem is too diffcult _____.______students in our class can work it outA,A little B,Little C,Few D,A few2,() I am sure the train will arrive _____ 已知方程组3x+2y=m+1,4x+3y=m-1中;(1)若x、y满足x-y>0,试求m的范围;(2)若x、y均为负数,试求m的范围. 方程组:3x+2y=m+1 4x+3y=m-1(1)若x、y满足x-y>0,试求m的范围.(2)若x、y均为负数,试求m的范围. 谁有英语基础训练的答案(八年级上册)安徽教育出版社的!第一单元的!