
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:38:53
求一句话中又有拟人的成分又有比喻的成分的句子 5句 是What happened 还是what’s happened为什么不能有‘s呢? What has happened和What happened的区别另问过去时与现在完成时的区别 what on earth happened?和what happened on earth?哪个对? 红楼梦这段话语言中你看出刘姥姥有哪些特点? 新版红楼梦刘姥姥是哪集啊 小学三年级语文上册你觉得小摄影师哪些地方可爱呢 三年级上册语文六课小摄影师后边怎样写 50个字 一职 三年级语文 小摄影师 续写 today is monday,what`s up?what happened? what happened 和WHAT IS HAPPEND的区别区别在哪里啊?还有个WHAT IS HAPPENING,发生了什么应该是WHAT HAPPEND 那WAHT IS 《红楼梦》中刘姥姥的形象特征,并举例说明 刘姥姥的形象特征红楼梦中的 Give the children some water是该同义句啊 英语作文 介绍你的书房 70字内容1、进门的右边有一个大书架,里面有很多书2、书架的对面有一张书桌,书桌上放着一台电脑和一盏台灯3、书桌上有几幅画4、在书桌的旁边有一扇大窗,室内光 海底两万里好句摘抄要短,30条好句 6年级新年作文300字左右5个 give Tony it;give it to Tony;give Tony it;give them to Tony有什么区别? 我的表妹的高三了英语很差,怎么快速给她补回来呢 海底两万里好词好句摘抄我要十篇,每篇8个好词,三句好句. 音语发音问题新概念英语第68课中有一句:It was no use pretending that I had not seen him.这句我听了很多录音带和视频,多个版本的,但其中pretending that I 发音中,that 的音非常奇怪,我听不清发的什么音. 鄂语怎么发音 英语笑话,长一点的,演讲用的,不要对话形式的要个翻译 people usually visit their relatives at the Spring festyival visit their relatives 划线提问. At Chinese New Year,some people visit their relatives,______ stay with their families.A.othersAt Chinese New Year,some people visit their relatives,______ stay with their families.A.others B.the others为什么A不行呢?两者有何区别? They went to Bangkok to visit their relatives there.(visit their relatives there划线)(划线提问)_____ _____they go to Bangkok? Some think it a happy reminder of their visit to the zoo or the animals为什么think it 后不加is look out at the look at the beach sit,floor,often,on,and,out,look,beach,the,at,the,i连词成句 若函数f(x)=(m-1)x^2+2mx+m-2的图像与x轴有两个交点,则m的取值范围是 若函数y=(m-2)x^2-2mx+2m-3的图像总在x轴下方,求m的取值范围.