
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:58:44
如何打造农村思想品德课高效课堂 思想品德 这是思想品德 读后感100字 怎样思想道德建设从文化生活角度回答 帮帮忙,思想品德谢谢 英文大写字母怎么打快如果按Shift键的话用哪个手指按? 谁能帮我起个英文名啊?My name is 冯懿慧. 英语翻译用英语表达:这个计划只在平时使用 特殊情况另算 有什么好看的电影 有内涵有意义点的!3Q 内在,和内涵是一样的意思吗,3Q 为什么说中国有5000年文明历史那 但是现在才2010年啊 怎么会少了3000年了 那年份是怎么算的啊 看音标写出单词:[eI] [waI] [si:] [aI] [i:]还有一些写不出来,知道的就全部写出来是根据音标写单词 从下面备选词语中选用两个或两个以上的词语,至少运用一种修辞手法,叙述一次旅游的见闻和感受驻足 惊叹 惟妙惟肖 美不胜收 心旷神怡 呼朋引伴 谁能帮忙起个英文名字啊我叫Liu Qiang 想起个英文名字包含里面若干个拼音的. 谁能给我起个英文名字啊?我13岁 姓名:苏鹏 性别:男 想要个英文名,起个英文名字,要英文翻译的啊!(比如汤姆 Tom) 还要告诉我那个英文名怎么读.能给点不俗的么 do wish that I --------there with you tomorrowAwould go Bwill go Chad gone Dcan go 一道高中英语选择题 The King stood there,_ awake,with his eyes _ upon a spiderThe King stood there, ___ awake,with his eyes ___ upon a spider building its web for a seventh time.A.fast;fixing B.wide;fixed C.widely;being fixed D.much;f 英语选择题what's the boy standing there?1-----what's the boy standing there?----A He‘s Tim Green B He’s very good C He's a student DHe's reading a book 2 ---- It's May 3rd .But I don't know the day .can you tell me?——A It'sFriday.B It's Who is the boy_______black?_Jack A on B in C for D with 国庆见闻作文楼下的,我又不写给老师看,我是好儿童,我不拿这个交作业,是老师叫我上网查范文好不好。 万圣节用英文怎么说?帮下忙.. 我叫罗天贵,谁能帮我起的英文名字呢?要跟中文名字搭配, i should ( be )more careful next time be动词该填什么形式 英语:把下列句子改成间接引语 1)“You should be more careful next time.”his father said to him.His father ________him ________ _________more careful next time.Mr Wang said,“I will leave for Beijing on business next month,children. ''you should be more careful next time his father said to him 变间接引语 围绕 母亲,清泉,明星 三个词语扩展一段话运用两种修辞手法 使用下面词语写一段连贯的话,至少用上其中两个 成长 清泉 奋发图强 精神支柱 She will be back in half an hourin可不可以改成aftershe has gone to the shop.She will be back in half an hour选择题内同时出现in和after,那解释为一个半小时后怎么不行呢? his parents went to he cinema half an hour ago and they will be back ___求大神详细讲解A after B in C on D for求详细 顺便翻译下 假期见闻300-400字 谁能帮我起个英文名陈捷英文名该怎么写我是男的