
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:02:33
人们常说“一方水土养一方人”的原因是什么 人们常说“一方水土养一方人”与什么(地理知识)有关 ,(原因)是什么!回答简便不要绕圈子,原因就是原因!不要搞乌龙!说不实用的!请别忘记,还有原因哦! 如果我的Sat成绩显示是available in 11days,那还会delay吗? 先通分,再按从小到大的顺序排列. marilyn、suzanne、monica、marianne怎么读?把音标打出来就行 I have been told that the lecture ______ by Professor zhang tommorrow is about envirment protectionA.given B.being given C to be given D having given 英语翻译However,the market closer to home are coming to the rescue:...这句话怎么翻译,尤其是,come to the rescue 把下面每组中的分数通分,然后从小到大的顺序排列(全部)在线等,请快点7分之3和13分之7 15分之13和9分之8 2又3分之1、2又9分之4和1又12分之5 5/6 16/21 2/3 5/7怎么按从小到大的顺序排列?不知道4个分数怎样通分(⊙o⊙)?需要方法>_ 写考点How long does the winter ( ) in Wuhan .For about four months A.keep B.last C.finish D.hold How many months are there in winter?怎么回答 碧波万顷打一地名 碧波万顷的谜底是什么,打一地名省级行政区或者行政管理中心 英语翻译Each state retains its sovereignty,freedom,and independence,and every power,jurisdiction,and right,which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States,in Congress assemble! How many cards did he buyon the last day?回答急.如果好,加5~不要意思,只要回答!还有:新概念2册的22页的练习,18题,求回答。如果,如果好,加10~ 请问一下大家谁知道word中如何统计一个单词出现的频率呢 要用呀, how many cards did he buyon the last day?意思加回答,加5~急.快how many cards did he buyon the last day?意思和回答,加5~ f(x)=tan(x+1/2)π f(x)的范围 求关于《美国联邦医疗保险计划的介绍》文章, 请问一下大家word中如何统计一个单词出现的频率呢 要用呀, f'(x)=tan²(x),且 f(0)=1,求f(x) 我初二,数学只考个位数!原因在那?我该怎么做 英语翻译The prefix process a->P is ready to engage in event a; should this event occur,the subsequent behaviour is that of P,which must itself be a process. 设f(x)=2x^2+3x,则f´(a)=,[f(a)]´=,顺便说一下思路 he wants to ()a famous artist用适当的单词填空 把下面每组中的分数通分(1)五分之四,三分之二和六分之五(2)七分之四、五分之一和三十五分之六(3)十分之三、二十五分之四和十五分之二(4)四分之一、六分之五和十六分之七 帮忙翻译一句话,both parties agree on consultatuin &management service rendered by ABC. 上周爸爸给我买了一台电脑.lask week my father__ a computer___me 英语句子解析Our object is to get the truth across.我怎么感觉这句不通啊!across是什么词性,在句子中做什么成分? 甲骨文只中国有吗 英语翻译one week's notice during the probation period and one month's notice upon confirmation or payment in lieu is required from either party!但这是啥意思啊? 做肉的英语怎么写