
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:37:44
鸽子的孵化期我家鸽子已经下了两个蛋可没见过压蛋能覆出来吗在孵化的18天中有什麽变化? 鸽子的孵化期是几天? 郭静 “Who says you’re not perfect,Who says you’re not worth it.You’ve got every right ,To a bea Who says you’re not perfect,Who says you’re not worth it.You’ve got every right ,To a beautiful -are you online?-i m -it says no 啥意思?中间是B的回答, who says,who says you are my perfect,who says you are my worthy.求翻译 钢和铁的区别,钢铁又是什么? 钢铁是钢还是铁 为什么不用钢铁做接地极而用铁做,钢与铁哪个电阻大? 为什么同样的铁Fe能与稀硫酸反应,不能与浓硫酸反应呢?同样铁表面有一层致密氧化膜 I don t know how I should do it同意句I don t know how ____ ____ it 能使铁溶解,且有固体物质生成的是A、稀硫酸 B、硫酸铁溶液 C、硫酸铜溶液 D、浓硫酸 有什么化学试剂可以把Φ18mm的钢或者铁融化掉呢?反应要快速点的 I do not know how I should do it next.(改为简单句) 亚里士多德在《政治学》中认为,世上有两种形式的平等,即数量平等和比值平等.数量平等是绝对平均主义;比值平等则根据个人的实际价值,按比例分配与之相称的事物.根据上述观点,通常所 乌龙茶是什么样的 轮胎中加的小料是什么在轮胎制作过程中,会往天然胶中加小料. 铁与浓硫酸和浓硝酸中生成致密的氧化膜Fe2O3,但是铁在潮湿的空气中生锈形成的Fe2O3怎么又是疏松的呢? 正丁烷,异丁烷,叔丁烷英文缩写n-C4H10是什么 she is leaving( )China( )America 浓盐酸露置空气中一段时间,会不会质量增大且变质 mary ,we have visited the great wall.___do you think we should visit next?A.what else Bwhat other Cwhere else Dwhere other我知道答案选A,用what可是为什么下面这个句子用的whereWhere else did you go besides the Great Wall _A________for him ,he is nothing but a dog .Don`t be angry with him Mary has visited the Great Wall.So _____ l.A.am B.have C.does B.do快呀急 I have visited the Great Wall once 用next week 作时间状语改写句子I ——— —— —— —— the Great Wall next week as well as 与 and ...as well 有什么区别吗? 除了(小青鱼、驼背鳟、沙丁鱼、小鲶鱼、黑背鳟)之外,海里还有那些有趣的鱼:( ) 请问一下and 和 as well as 有什么区别,好像都是和的意思. I agree with you and he agrees with you as well 的同义句I agree with you,_ _I agree with you,_ _ he. as well as是就近原则吗?举个例句来证明... Do you know the (long) of the Great Wall 酵母利用葡萄糖有氧代谢中,当EMP途径中的3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶受到抑制后,此时代谢由于不能进入TCA循环,因而无二氧化碳产生,为什么