
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:28:31
pleased 与pleasant的区别?20.It's very_____ to travel to some places of interest in China.A.pleasure B.pleased C.pleasant D.please yesterday i ate some apples and drank some tea 这句 i ate some apples yesterday就划线部分提问划线部分是some apples i ate some cookies for breakfast yesterday.对some cookies划线提问 迟日江山丽,春风花草香.泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯.的意思帮个忙! I wish you'd told me earlier 与I hope you told me earlier 哪个对说明理由 I should tell you that i love you earlier 啥意思? 英语翻译 I hope that you can free earlier麻烦翻译成中文 英语翻译用英语 因为我怕你以为我种族歧视..翻译 我想问下拜神用语系点请神 【郢人燕说 的原文翻译?】求神!拜神!就这译文,谢! 问问王维的绝句解释: 迟日江山丽, 春风花草香. 泥融飞燕子, 沙暖睡鸳鸯. 绝句 迟日江山丽 春风花草香 泥融飞燕子 沙暖睡鸳鸯的解释 高中英语外研版必修三Module1-3的词组整理要求:回答时分模块,且每模块不少于25个 迟日江山丽 春风花草香 泥融飞燕子 沙暖睡鸳鸯是谁写的准确! 迟日江山丽,春风花草香.泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯.的注释及意思. 迟日江山丽,春风花草香的情感? 我是六年第1的学生,明天大考啊!问下哪些单词后面加ING(比如LIKE加ING),哪写不用加啊?比如DOES后加动(原). 小学六年级下册英语有什么要加ing形式,有什么加原型今天下午就英语考试,越多越好,一点钟前!快 He said to me,"where have you been ?"变间接引语 They are staying in Tibet for about two weeks对划线部分提问 请问老师:钴60灭菌后不会在医疗器械上残留吗?说明书上写着是用钴60灭菌的,用完后剩了一些我想用钴60再消毒可以吗,因为这个东西是留在病人体内的!医院会配备钴60灭菌吗? 只要你不离开,我就不会离开,用英语怎么说 祝你健康快乐 英语翻译把下面这段话翻译成英文我坐在自行车后面,一边唱歌一边摇晃着我的脚.突然,我的右脚卡进了自行车轮子里.妈妈连忙把自行车停下,发现我的右脚已经裂开了,并且流了很多血.于是我 怎么用2米长的绳子把自己绑起来 ____she or you gong to Beijing next week ?A. Is B. Are C. were D. being 答案是A ,为什么?求解释. 1.if she __(come)to beijing next week.2.__(call)me up,if he has any problem1.let him__(do)his own things.2.half the people __(not have) their ID cards here.3.she will goes there as soon as he ___(leave) 4.half of the appie _(go)bad.5.i don't know if Are you a art teacher哪里错了 单词拼写答案:1、She will be on a b( ) trip next week to Beijing2、Great c( ) have taken place since 1979 here in my hometown.3、Put the food in f( ) to keep it cool on such a hot day.4、He enjoy c( ) with his friends on MSN.5、More and m